Insights filters and downloads
Learn to navigate and personalize Insights dashboards, download reports, and schedule automatic report delivery.
Insights dashboards organize multiple tiles and data sources into a single space, making it easier to analyze information in context. To customize your view of the data, you can use the filters at the top of the dashboard.
Filters appear at the top of each dashboard, and the filters shown depend upon which dashboard you are viewing. See below for descriptions of each of the available filters.
Date / Event Time — Click within the Date or Event Time field to reveal a date selector providing a range of date conditions.
Note:The "Is null", "Is not null", and "Matches a user attribute" conditions are not functional.
Date Interval — Select an interval to apply to the X-axis of any time-series charts (bar charts, line charts, etc.).
Callback Source / Conversation Type — Select "Voice" or "Digital" to filter by channel type.
Callback Type — Select "ASAP" or "Scheduled" to filter by callback type.
Call Target Name — Select one or more Call Targets.
Reporting Category — Select a reporting category to limit the data to only Call Targets assigned to that category.
User Type — On the Audit Log dashboard, select "User" to show only actions performed by users in your organization. Select "Automation" to include system-generated ("platform sync") events. Leaving both unselected has the same effect as selecting both.
User Email — On the Audit Log dashboard, select the email address of any user(s) included in the data set to view events for specific users.
Message Category — On the Messaging Usage dashboard, select a type of message from the available options. To view only customer interactions, select "Conversation".
Message Direction — On the Messaging Usage dashboard, select "Inbound" or "Outbound" to filter the dashboard by message direction. Leaving both unselected has the same effect as selecting both.
After updating a filter, you will need to refresh the dashboard to update the results. The refresh button will have a blue background when a refresh is needed.
Refreshing data
Dashboards do not automatically update over time. You can refresh the data at any time by selecting the refresh button in the upper right corner of the dashboard. Alternatively, if you expect new data and nothing appears to update, you can use the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner to clear your local cache and refresh the results.
This drop-down menu includes additional functionality, as well:
Download the dashboard
Schedule delivery of dashboard data
Reset filters
View the data within your time zone.
Download data
Each of the Insights dashboards can be downloaded in its entirety, either in PDF or CSV format. Consult the steps in this section for help with downloading reports.
In the options menu near the upper-right corner of the page, select the "Download" option.
In the window that appears, select either PDF or CSV in the Format drop-down menu.
If you select "CSV", no further options will be presented.
If you select "PDF", additional formatting options will be shown. You can use these options to expand tables, arrange tiles in a single column, or select the intended paper size for printing.
Click Download when finished.
Tip: When "PDF" is selected, you can also click Open in Browser to generate and view the PDF directly in a new browser tab.
Schedule report delivery
In addition to viewing Insights data in the user interface, you can receive Insights data via email at scheduled intervals. Follow the steps below to schedule delivery:
In the options menu near the upper-right corner of the page, select the "Schedule delivery" option.
A window will appear with three tabs to configure.
In the Settings tab, complete the required fields
Schedule Name — Edit the default name of the report, if desired.
Recurrence — Select how often you would like to receive the report.
Time — Select the time at which you would like to receive the report.
Destination — Reports will be sent through email only.
Email addresses — Enter one or more email addresses as recipients.
Format — Select your desired format for the report (PDF, CSV zip file, or PNG visualization).
In the Filters tab, change any of the filters for the dashboard, if needed. See the Filters section of this article for more details on how to filter the data.
Review the Advanced Options tab for additional customization options.
Custom Message — Add a message to be included in the body of the email.
Include links — Allow linked text in the message body.
Expand tables to show all rows — Select this checkbox to ensure all rows are displayed, if needed.
Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column — Select this checkbox to arrange all tiles vertically, if needed.
Paper size — Select the desired paper size for the report.
Delivery time zone — Select the time zone you would like to use for the scheduled delivery.