(5.0+) IVG reference guide

This page contains troubleshooting information for the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) installation process. Use the topics on this page to identify and resolve any issues encountered during the installation process.

Installing as a sudo user

In the event root user access cannot be granted, the IVG installer can be run as a sudo user. Use the following instructions to run the installation process as a sudo user:

Creating the sudo user account

Use the following instructions to create a sudo user.

  • Enter the following command to create the sudo user account:

adduser SudoUserName

Where SudoUserName is the sudo user

  • Enter the following command to enter a password for the sudo user account:

passwd SudoUserName

  • Enter the following command to add the sudo user account to the wheel group:

usermod -aG wheel SudoUserName

  • Enter the following command to edit the sudoers file:

VIM /etc/sudoers

  • When the sudoers file opens in vim, add the following lines near the end of the file to give sudo access to the root account and the newly created sudo user account:

SudoUserName ALL=(ALL) ALL

root ALL=(ALL) ALL

Executing the installer as a sudo user

  • Copy the following files to the sudo user using root:
    • ivginstaller-3.4.0.xx
    • install_ivg.cfg
    • hvp_params_common.cfg
    • hvp_params_avaya.cfg
    • ivg_encrypt.out (if using password encryption)
  • Enter the following command to give the sudo user ownership of the installer files:

chown -R SudoUserName InstallPathName

Where SudoUserName is the name of the sudo user, and InstallPathName is the directory where the installer files are placed.

  • Enter the following command to give the group containing the sudo user access to the installer files:

chgrp -R SudoUserGroupName InstallPathName

Where SudoUserGroupName is the name of the group the sudo user belongs to, and InstallPathName is the directory where the installer files are placed.

  • Navigate to the directory where ivginstaller-3.4.0.xx was saved and open the installer.
  • Enter the following command to log in to the sudo user:

su SudoUser

  • Enter the following command to change the permissions of the installer:

chmod a+x ivginstaller-3.4.0. xx

  • Enter the following command to execute the installer:

su ./ivginstaller-3.4.0. xx | tee install_ mmddyy .txt

Where mmddyy is the date of the installation

Adding HostNames

If the HostNames are not added during installation, the HostNames can be manually added. Use the following instructions to add the HostName and start the workers for each IVG VM:

  • Navigate to http://server_address:2020.
  • Navigate to Configuration > Hosts and enter each HostName and PoolName.

If not updated in the install_ivg.cfg file, the default PoolName is holly.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Workers and verify the workers for each server have started.

Using Symbolic Links to relocate PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL consumes a significant amount of disk space, and can be relocated using symbolic links.

Use the following instructions to create a symbolic link and move the PostgreSQL install:

  • Use the service command to stop the postgreSQL server
service postgresql-version_number stop
  • If not already created, create the directory to which postgreSQL will be relocated
mkdir -p /home/postgres-data/
  • Use the chown -R command to change directory ownership (chown -R postgresvht:postgresvht /sd01/mydata, for example).
  • Use the chmod -R command to change access to the appropriate user and group (chmod -R 700 /sd01/mydata/, for example).
  • Use the mv command to move the existing files from the configured location to the linked location (mv /export/home/postgres/9/data/ /sd01/data-secured/data, for example).
  • Use the ln -s command to create a symbolic link from the configured location to the linked location (In -s /sd01/data-secured/data /export/home/postgres/9/data, for example).
  • Use the service command to start the postgres server (service postgresqld start, for example).

Increasing the DNIS key length

The default 'keylength' parameter allows for a DNIS up to 20 characters. If more than 20 characters are required, the value for keylength can be updated by:

  • Log in to the management system and navigate to Configuration > Holly Configuration.
  • Select Holly License Manager from the Component dropdown.
  • Select the Pool form the Pool dropdown.
  • Locate the parameter keylength and increase the integer value.
  • Click Add.

Changing voice platform default prompt

The voice platform provides a default voice prompt for use when calls cannot execute provisioned applications. In cases where this prompt is inappropriate, it can be replaced with another prompt using the same name and recording format. The recording format must be:

RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, ITU G.711 mu-law, mono 8000 Hz

To replace the default voice prompt:

  • Record a new default prompt with the name technical-difficulties,wav in the required format.
  • Locate the technical-difficulties.wav prompt file within the holly_home_directory/etc/defaults/ directory.
  • Replace the current technical-difficulties.wav with the new technical-difficulties.wav file.

Troubleshooting PostgreSQL database latency

A remote connection across a Wide Area Network (WAN) between an IVG and the PostgreSQL database is not recommended. If a WAN is used, a latency of 20 ms or greater can lead to a voice platform initialization timeout resulting in an endless loop during IVG startup.

To identify latency between the request and response from the database:

  • Open a Linux shell script.
  • Log in as the holly user on the remote IVG instance.
  • Use the following command to access PostgreSQL:
  • Use the following command to verify if the timing is ON or OFF:
  • The response should read Timing is on.
  • Use the following command:
select * from CONFIG_VALUES where name='dbrefreshtime' and domain='hlm';
  • The response includes a time figure from a local database (ex Time: 2.536 ms)

The Time: value returned should be < 20 ms in order for startup to function reliably.

Resetting the management system administrator password

An IVG management system security feature locks a user account after three incorrect login attempts. Use the following instructions to reset the password for the administrator account:

  • Open a Linux shell command and log in with the holly user and password.
  • Use the following command to change the directory to bin:
cd ~/bin
  • Use the following command to execute the password reset script to reset the administrator password to holly12:
psql -f administrator_reset.pos.sql
  • When prompted, enter the administrator username and newly reset password holly12.

A confirmation appears that the account has been updated.

Locating the parameters configuration files

The IVG installation process writes the following files to the installation path identified during Voice Platform Configuration (default location is /export/home/holly):

  • hvp_params_common.cfg
  • CCISImport.log

And one of the following environment-specific configuration files:

  • hvp_params_avaya.cfg
  • hvp_params_cisco.cfg
  • hvp_params_genesys.cfg