Pop-ups and pop-unders

Use a pop-up or a pop-under to ask website visitors to take part in your survey.

  • A pop-up is a script that runs as soon as a page is displayed. The invitation to participate in the survey "floats" over the existing page. As no separate window is opened, pop-up blockers will not block this script. As soon as a respondent clicks "yes", a new window containing your survey will appear on top of the existing one. This window will not be blocked because by clicking "yes", the respondent has given explicit permission to show the new screen.
  • A pop-under runs via the same script, only in this case the new window will appear underneath the existing one. People will only see this window when they close their browser. If you choose this option, the aforementioned pop-up script will run first, asking visitors to take part in your survey. The survey itself will then open in a separate window underneath the existing page. Respondents can fill out the survey as soon as they are done with their visit

Pop-ups and pop-unders will appear once per visit until your visitor has clicked on "Yes, I will!" or "No thanks".

From experience, we know an incentive is helpful for your response rate when using a pop-up or pop-under. It is recommended that you add one to your invitation, if possible.

Complete the steps in this article to add a pop-up or pop-under to your website.

Activating the distribution channel

  1. Open your survey.
  2. Select Distribute > Add / Remove channel.
  3. Select Web > Pop-up.

    Web Pop-up distribution channel.

  4. Click Save.

Configuring the pop-up or pop-under

  1. Select Distribute > Web, then select Pop-up / Pop-under.
  2. The following screen contains all possible pop-up and pop-under settings. There are four tabs:
    • On the Scripts tab, you will find the script that your webmaster needs to use to add the pop-up or pop-under to your website.

    • On the Settings tab, you can configure the script window's size and position on the page.

      Here you can also select the Pop-under box. Click Save.

      There are two options at this point: either the survey opens in a new window at the start of the visit (pop-up), or you can specify that the survey will only appear when the visitor leaves your website (pop-under)

    • On the String tab, set up text for personalization.

    • On the CSS tab, you can configure your pop-up or pop-under layout by adding styles to the various elements.

      Pop-up / Pop-under tabs.

Technical information

Pop-ups are asynchronous and are delivered from a CDN. Because of this, your page's loading times aren't influenced and the script itself is very flexible. You can, for example, add other JavaScript functions:

Making your pop-up appear later

If you don't change anything in the script, the pop-up is shown automatically as soon as a page opens. With JavaScript, you can delay this.

First, add the parameter "&a=0" to the survey URL in the pop-up script. "Autoshow" will then be turned off.

To make the pop-up appear, add the code "CM.PU.show();" to your script. Combined with a "setTimeout" function, the pop-up will only appear when the time in this Timeout has passed.

For example, the code "setTimeout(CM.PU.show, 3000);" makes your pop-up appear after 3 seconds.

Here is another example that shows the pop-up after a visitor has seen three pages of your website:

<script> function ShowCheckMarketCookieAfterThreePages() { var visits = readCookie("pageCounter"); //count page vistis in cookie !visits ? visits = 1 : visits = parseInt(visits) + 1; //add one for each visit var expDate = new Date(new Date().getTime()+(24*60*60*1000)); //cookie expires after one day setCookie("pageCounter", visits, expDate); //Write page count to cookie if (visits > 2) { CM.PU.show(); } //Show pop-up on third page visit } </script> Adding a callback function

A callback ensures a certain function is only carried out when another function is completely finished. With a callback, you can, for example, call a tracking script such as Google Analytics and register how often your survey was opened via the pop-up script.

First, create your callback function in JavaScript. Then add it to the survey URL using the parameter "&c=[callback function name]"