Create and Manage Actions

Create a Dynamic Content Action

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.

  2. Select Actions and then click Create.

  3. Select Dynamic Content as the type of Action you want to create.

  4. Click Let's get started.

  5. Provide the following details for your Action:

    NameA name for the Action.
    Customer StatusThe subset of customers (based on their status) to which you want to serve the Asset. You can display different assets to Default (anonymous) customers, Recognized customers who have been identified and for whom MXO holds a customer key and Verified customers who have reached a verified Interaction Point.
    Important: MXO determines which Asset to serve to a customer based on their status when they see an Action for the first time. If a customer is anonymous the first time they see an Action, containing both default and recognized assets, MXO displays the default Asset and continues to display that Asset even after the customer is recognized.
    Add AssetsClick Add Assets and select the Asset to display to customers when this Action is returned. Optionally, add a default destination URL for the Asset.
    PropositionOptional. The product or service to which the Action relates.
    Note: Actions without a Proposition are not automatically selected at Optimization Points.
    EligibilityOptional. The Eligibility Rule to apply to this Action. Choose No to make the Action available to all customers or choose Yes and select an Eligibility Rule to make the Action available only to specific customers.
    Prioritization Methods ConfigurationOptional. The marketing priority to apply to this Action. Priority Rules use the marketing priority configured here when calculating the priority of this Action in relation to other Actions available to display at an Optimization Point.
    Effective Date RangeOptional. The dates between which you want this Action to be available for use in an optimization. For example, if the Action relates to a promotion that is only available for a certain time period.
    Campaign CodeOptional. The campaign code to which the Action relates.
  6. Switch the Status control to On to make the Action available for use in an optimization.

  7. Click OK, I'm done.

Create a Push Action

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.

  2. Select Actions and then click Create.

  3. Select Push as the type of Action you want create.

  4. Provide the following details for your Action:

    NameA name for the Action.
    StructureThe Structure to use for this Action. This specifies the format and types of customer data that MXO will make available to your external systems.
    PropositionOptional. The Proposition to associate with this Action. You can either Set Proposition manually and select an individual Proposition from the drop-down list or Set Proposition automatically and specify the attribute MXO should use to lookup the correct Proposition at runtime.
    Note: Actions without a Proposition are not automatically selected at Optimization Points.
    EligibilityOptional. The Eligibility Rule to apply to this Action. Choose No to make the Action available to all customers or choose Yes and select an Eligibility Rule to make the Action available only to specific customers.
    Effective Date RangeOptional. The dates between which you want this Action to be available for use in an optimization. For example, if the Action relates to a promotion that is only available for a certain time period.
    Campaign CodeOptional. The campaign code to which the Action relates.
  5. Switch the Status control to On to make the Action available for use in an optimization.

  6. Click OK, I'm done.

Create a Completions Action

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.

  2. Select Actions and then click Create.

  3. Select Completions as the type of Action you want create.

  4. Provide the following details for your Action:

    NameA name for the Action.
    PropositionOptional. The Proposition to associate with this Action. You can either Set Proposition manually and select an individual Proposition from the drop-down list or Set Proposition automatically and specify the attribute MXO should use to lookup the correct Proposition at runtime.
    Note: Actions without a Proposition are not automatically selected at Optimization Points
    Activity TypeOptional. The Activity Type to which the Action relates.
    EligibilityOptional. The Eligibility Rule to apply to this Action. Choose No to make the Action available to all customers or choose Yes and select an Eligibility Rule to make the Action available only to specific customers.
    Effective Date RangeOptional. The dates between which you want this Action to be available for use in an optimization. For example, if the Action relates to a promotion that is only available for a certain time period.
    Campaign CodeOptional. The campaign code to which the Action relates.
  5. Switch the Status control to On to make the Action available for use in an optimization.

  6. Click OK, I'm done.

Copy an Action

From time to time you may want to clone an existing Action, rather than creating a new one from scratch.

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Click the Copy icon next to the Action you want to clone. The Actions Editor opens.
  4. Rename the new Action and make any other required changes.
  5. Click Save.

Edit an Action

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Click the Action you want to open for editing.
  4. Make your required changes and then click OK, I'm done.

Delete an Action

  1. In MXO, choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Click the Delete icon next to the Action you want to delete.
  4. Click Yes, delete it.