Messaging usage

Interpret key metrics and analyze messaging trends in Mindful.

The Messaging Usage dashboard provides an overview of your messaging activity for a selected date range to show trends over time.

image of the Messaging Usage Dashboard

Check out the following video for an overview of the Messaging Usage dashboard.

Filters and downloads

To learn more about the filtering and sorting options available in Insights, as well as options for downloading and scheduling reports, see Insights filters and downloads.

Drill-down capabilities

All of the graphical displays on the Insights dashboards include the ability to drill down into the data represented on the graph for customized views of the data. The example below explains how to drill down into a graph from the Messaging Usage dashboard, but this process can be applied to any graphical display on any Insights dashboard.

  1. Hover over the section of the graph that you would like to drill down into. A pop-up describing the section of the graph will appear.

    example of drill down capabilities
  2. Click that section of the graph. A menu listing the different drill-down options will appear.

    example of drill down capabilities
  3. Select the drill-down option of your choice. In this example, by Message Type is selected. A visualization of the data will appear.

    example of drill down capabilities
  4. To download the data, click Download in the upper right corner. In the modal window that appears, you can configure your desired file format. Expand the Advanced data options dropdown menu to configure additional options.

    example of drill down capabilities
  5. When ready, click Download.

High-level messaging metrics

This section of the dashboard focuses specifically on messaging.

Total Messages
All messages sent or received
Avg Daily Messages
Average number of messages sent or received per day
Avg Messages Per Customer
Average number of messages sent or received per customer
Message Direction
Breakdown of messages sent (outbound) and received (inbound)
Final Status
Breakdown of the final state of messages — Delivered and Sent are both desirable outcomes, since we may not always receive delivery acknowledgements from customers

The following final statuses are possible:

  • Created — The message was created in our database.

  • Sent — The message was successfully sent.

  • Sending — We are attempting to send the message.

  • Delivered — We received a delivery receipt from the third-party messaging provider.

  • Blocked — The message was blocked at the customer's request.

  • Retrying — The message failed initially and will be retried up to three times.

  • Failed — The message failed after all retries and will not be attempted again.

Message Category
Breakdown of the message category for all messages (automation, conversation, customer subscription, intercept, notification)

Volume and outcome metrics

Below the high-level messaging data, you will find data related to volume and outcomes, including growth metrics.

image of Messaging Usage dashboard volume and outcome metrics

  • Messages — a breakdown of messaging volume categorized by final status that spans the selected date range. Hover each part of the bar graph to see the number of messages by final status. To the right of the bar graph, you will see four growth metrics:
    • 4-Week Growth — Percentage growth over the last four weeks (not including the current week) compared to the four weeks prior

    • 4-Week Growth (Nom) — Growth in the number of messages from the last four weeks (not including the current week) compared to the four weeks prior

    • Last Week Growth — Percentage growth of the last complete week compared to the week prior

    • Last Week Growth (Nom) — Growth in the number of messages over the last complete week compared to the week prior

Next, you will see metrics related to notifications, automations, and subscriptions.

image of Message Usage dashboard volume and outcome metrics

  • Notifications
    • Total Notifications — Total number of notifications sent for the selected date range

    • Notification Type — A breakdown of the types of notifications sent, shown as a percentage (Confirmation, Reminder, Final Attempt, Success)

    • Notifications — A breakdown of notifications categorized by type that spans the date range you selected

  • Automations
    • Automation Requests — Total number of automation requests received from customers for the selected date range

    • Automation Messages — Total number of messages associated with an automation for the selected date range — this would include the automation received from the customer and the response back.

    • Automation Type — A breakdown of the types of automations sent, shown as a percentage — automations include callme, status, cancel, confirmationYes, confirmationNo, Help, and CustomerKeyword.

    • Automation Graph — A breakdown of automations categorized as "request" or "response" that spans the date range selected

  • Subscriptions
    • Total Subscription Messages — Total number of subscription messages that include both the subscription message and corresponding responses

    • Total Opt-ins — Total number of subscription messages

    • Subscriptions — A breakdown of the types of subscription messages. Subscription messages include OptIn, OptOut, OptInConfirmation, OptOutInstruct, and OptOutConfirm.

    • Subscription Messages — A breakdown of subscription messages categorized by type that spans the date range selected

For a breakdown of how some of these metrics are calculated, see Insights dashboards calculations.

Conversation metrics

This section of the dashboard focuses on messaging conversations.

Note: A messaging conversation is initiated by an incoming message from a customer and defined as 20 or fewer messages sent/received between your organization and the customer within a 24-hour period. When a 21st message is sent, the 24-hour clock resets.
image of Message Usage dashboard conversation metrics
Total Conversation Messages
Total number of conversations (as defined above) for the selected date range
Message Direction
A breakdown of inbound (received) and outbound (sent) messages, shown as a percentage
Conversation Messages
A breakdown of conversations (as defined above) for the selected date range

This last section of the dashboard breaks down many of the previous metrics by Call Target.

image of the Call Target metrics chart

The Call Targets table includes the following metrics:

Call Target Name
Name of the Call Target
Total Messages
All messages sent or received by the Call Target
Total Customers
The number of customers who used messaging based on unique phone number or handle
Total Notifications
All messages sent to customers without an incoming response
Total Automation Messages
All messages sent to customers as automations (includes both inbound and outbound messages)
Total Conversation Messages
Total number of messages in conversations (includes both inbound and outbound messages)
Total Subscription Messages
All subscription messages sent to customers (includes both inbound and outbound messages)
Avg Daily Messages
The average number of messages sent per day
Total Inbound
All messages received by customers
Total Outbound
All messages sent out to customers