
Medallia Agent Connect integrates with third-party products to make it easier for you to capture real-time customer feedback and then use it to motivate your front-line team, power service recovery programs, and transform coaching and QA. Your company's development team can manually build an integration using the Agent Connect Feedback Requests API, or you can use one of the pre-build API connectors build by Medallia.

Using the Agent Connect Feedback Requests API

Most integrations use the Agent Connect Feedback Requests API to automatically generate a feedback request when a ticket in your Customer Success Management (CRM) solution is closed. For direct-API integrations, your Agent Connect Client Success Manager (CSM) gives developers at your company access to the Agent Connect APIs, so they can build the API connection between your CRM and Agent Connect.

For more information, see the Agent Connect API documentation.

Using connectors

Because so many companies use a few popular CRMs, Medallia has several connectors available for those CRMs. Connectors are pre-built API connections that are easy to implement and require little maintenance. Agent Connect monitors the the API status of the CRMs using connectors. When updates are needed, Medallia representatives make the updates and then notify you.

Work with your Agent Connect CRM to determine whether a connector is right for your company's needs. Connectors for the following CRMs are available:

  • Freshworks
  • Gladly
  • Intercom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Zendesk

Retrieving Agent Connect API credentials

Integrating Medallia Agent Connect with other products requires that you designate an email address used to test the integration. Entering the email address in Medallia Agent Connect makes your test and production API credentials available.

A test ends when Medallia Agent Connect delivers the survey, enabling you to test the customer experience with the survey completely by selecting stars, commenting, and so on. Medallia Agent Connect does not process responses associated with the test email address and test API key.

  1. On the Settings screen, click Integrations.

    The Integrations screen appears.

  2. In the API Test Email field, enter the email address you want to use for tests.
  3. In the API error alert emails field, enter one or more email addresses (separated by commas) to receive API error alerts.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Note the values that appear in the Test API Key and Production API Key fields.

    Use the Test API Key when testing an integration. Use the Production API Key when testing is complete and you are ready to move the integration to production.

    API credentials on the Integrations screen