
This topic describes how to integrate Medallia Agent Connect and Gladly to send survey requests when tickets are solved. Feedback in Agent Connect links directly to Gladly, enabling your team to see the tickets related to specific pieces of feedback.

Important: Agent Connect can send surveys automatically only when the following criteria are met:
  • The Team Member that has resolved the ticket has an approved Agent Connect profile.
  • The customer’s record includes an email address.
  • A Team Member is assigned to the ticket when it is closed.

Complete the following procedure, and work with your Agent Connect Client Success Manager to complete the integration.

  1. In Gladly, create a token.
    1. open Integrations > API Tokens, and then click Add Token.
    2. Create the token, and then send the following information to your Agent Connect Client Success Manager:
      • The token information
      • Your Gladly URL
      • Your Agent Connect test email address.
  2. Create a webhook.
    1. Open Integrations > Webhook, and then click Create Webhook.
    2. Specify the following information, and then click Save webhook:
      • Name — Send Agent Connect Survey
      • Webhook URL —
      • Events — Conversation/Close
      • Username — connect
      • Password — Your Agent Connect Test API Key, available on the Integrations screen in Agent Connect
      • Realm — Leave this field blank
  3. Create a do Not Send Agent Connect Request topic.

    This step creates a topic that, when added to a ticket, prevents a Agent Connect survey from being sent when the ticket is closed.

    1. Open the Topic area of Gladly, and then click Add Topic.
    2. Name the topic do_not_send_stella, and then click Save.
      Note: You do not need to create a topic specifically to limit the number of surveys that a customer receives within a specific period of time. On the Company Info screen, Agent Connect includes a suppression period that automatically stops surveys from flooding a customer within a specified number of days. For more information, see Company information.
  4. Work with your Agent Connect Client Success Manager to test your automated integration, and to resolve any issues. When everything is working as expected, move your integration to production.
    1. In your Gladly webhook, change the Password to your Agent Connect Production API Key.
    2. In Agent Connect, open the Integrations setup screen.
    3. For each channel you integrated, switch that field to On, and then click Update.

      Integrated Channels in Agent Connect