Adding Session Replays to Your Favorites

Adding session replays to your favorites allows you to retain the session replay for the duration of the account beyond the usual retention period.

Favorites are limited by the amount purchased as part of your subscription, and you can see how much of your allocated allowance you are using in the archive statistics.

Adding a session replay to your favorites

  1. In the session replay controls, click Favorite button Favorite or, in the menu, click Favourite.

    Favoriting a session replay

  2. Add a Reason for favouriting and select a Retention period to save the session replay.

  3. Click Submit.

The session replay is added to your favorites and retained for the period selected.

To remove the session replay from your favorites, click Favorite button Favorite and then click Remove from favorites.
Note: Session replays removed from your favorites are also removed from the allowance determined by your subscription.

Adding multiple session replays to your favorites

  1. In Analyze Sessions, in the Session column, select the sessions with session replays you want to mark as favorites.

    A purple bar appears above the table.

    Selecting more than one session replay to add to favorites

  2. In the purple bar, click Favorite.

    The following screen appears:Entering a reason and retention period

  3. Add a Reason for favouriting and select a Retention period to save the session replay.

  4. Click Favorite.

The session replays are added to your favorites and retained for the period selected.

Adding session replays to your favorites using JavaScript

You can also add a JavaScript API call to your website to indicate that a session should be added as a favorite when it is processed using one of the examples below. This is useful for those that want to favorite sessions based on particular behavior, such as clicking to leave survey feedback or visiting a particular page.

There is also an additional parameter that can be set to indicate the number of months that you want to the session to be favorited for, with the options being 1, 3, 6, 12, or 24. If no number is added, then the session will be retained indefinitely.
// Mark the session to be added as a favorite.

// Mark the session to be added as a favorite and stored for 3 months.
decibelInsight('setFavorite', 3);

Viewing a list of favorite session replays

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Analyze > Sessions > Analyze and click the Filters dropdown menu.Filters dropdown menu in Analyze Sessions

  2. Under Replay filters, select one of the following options:

    • Show favorites only — Displays all sessions with session replays marked as favorite by any user

    • Show my favorites — Only displays sessions with session replays that you marked as favorite

  3. Click Apply changes.

The table in Analyze Sessions now only displays favorite session replays. A blue star appears in the Session column for all sessions with session replays marked as favorite. Hover over the blue star to see who marked the session replay as favorite, the reason for marking it as favorite, and the retention period.Sessions list filtered to only display sessions with favorite session replays

To view a session replay, in the Actions column, click Session replay button Session replay.