Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement
Use customer feedback to identify agent strengths and weaknesses.
Customer feedback can be made more actionable by implementing Areas of Excellence (AOE) and Areas of Improvement (AOI). These features help companies identify agent strengths and weaknesses using standardized options.
As an example, the following image shows two responses in the Stream — one with customer-selected AOE, and another with customer-selected AOI:
Areas of Excellence and Improvement feedback reaches team members, who are then able to track customer sentiment after their interactions, and can begin to find patterns in their performance. Team leaders can also see AOE and AOI feedback, and can use that information to coach team members to even better performance.
Configuring Areas of Excellence
When configuring Areas of Excellence, ensure the areas you select align with your team's performance metrics and goals.
On the Settings page, click Rewards/Areas of Excellence.
On the Edit Rewards/Areas of Improvement screen, select Areas of excellence from the dropdown menu.
The page shows all of the AOE available to your company. Dark boxes near the top represent active AOE, while light boxes represent inactive AOE.
Drag and drop boxes to activate, deactivate, and reorder the AOE on the page.
You can have six active AOE. If you need more or different AOE available, contact Medallia Customer Support.
Click Update.
Important: If you are using rewards, clicking Update replaces rewards with AOE.
Configuring Areas of Improvement
When configuring Areas of Improvement, ensure the areas you select align with your team's performance metrics and goals, and that team leaders are able to coach to those areas.
On the Settings page, click Areas of Improvement.
The Edit Areas of Improvement page shows all of the AOI available to your company. Dark boxes near the top represent active AOI, while light boxes represent inactive AOI.
Drag and drop boxes to activate, deactivate, and reorder the AOI.
You can have six active AOI. If you need more or different AOI, contact Medallia Customer Support.
Click Update.
Team members can monitor their Areas of Excellence and Improvement at the top of the Stream. For more information, see Customer feedback and the Stream.