Survey completion, retaking and expiration

Survey Submission & Completion

When customers receive a survey there are two methods for the survey to reach a 'Finished' status which indicates the survey has been completed after which survey responses are locked.

  • The customer answers all questions within the survey and selects 'Submit' on the final page of the survey.

  • The customer partially answers the survey and based on the 'Survey is Marked Finished After' setting the survey is automatically marked as finished after a designated period of time since the last answer selection.

Survey Is Marked Finished After Setting

The Survey is Marked as Finished Setting is available to users with access to the Company Info Settings. Surveys can reach the 'Finished' status either by the customer selecting 'Submit' on the final page of the survey or by the survey being automatically moved to a 'Finished' state after the designated period of time since their last response configured in this setting. The default for this setting has been set at 1 hour but can be shortened or extended based on your preferences.

We recommend giving customers at least 1 hour to complete the survey but it is important to note that we will not submit survey responses to external integrated sources (such as Slack/Teams notifications, Data Return or Service Recovery into integrated CRMs) until the survey is marked as 'Finished'.

image of the survey marked finished after x hours setting

Retaking surveys

A customer has the ability to return to an in progress survey up until the survey is marked as 'Finished' based on the 'Survey is Marked as Finished After' setting.

For example, if the customer receives a survey and begins to submit their responses but closes the browser they'll be able to return to the survey through the email invitation they received for up to one hour based on the default 'Survey is Marked as Finished' after setting. However, if they return to the survey after the designated time period or they previously fully completed and submitted the survey they'll receive a message that the survey has already been completed.

image of the survey complete notice

Customers will be able to return back to the survey but we will lock the responses for questions that they previously answered. If they progress beyond where they may have previously dropped off we will then add any new responses or comments received to the survey record.

This ensures that your historical data isn't being changed and that the feedback your team sees is recent, relevant, and actionable in real-time during coaching and the QA process.

Survey Expiration

When surveys are sent to customers, we want to give them adequate time to see and respond to the survey, but not so much time that by the time they provide feedback, it's no longer actionable. To avoid surveys being responded to too long after the support interaction took place, surveys will expire 7 days after they have been sent to the customer.

How does survey expiration change the customer's experience when filling out the survey? If they select a survey invitation that has exceeded the survey expiration period they'll receive a message that the survey link has expired and is no longer active.

image of the link expired notice

If the seven-day expiration is too short or long for your team, please reach out to your Professional Services Manager or our Support Team to discuss survey expiration options!

Suppression Period

A customer can receive multiple surveys if they have had multiple interactions with your organization which would trigger an invitation for a Feedback survey. To prevent a customer from receiving too many surveys within a designated period we provide the ability to set a suppression period.

This designates a period of time where additional surveys will be suppressed on one individual customer email (per brand). For example, if you don't want to survey a customer more than once in a day, you would put "1 day" in the suppression period. This also helps to avoid a survey being sent on a multiple-solve interaction.

After the suppression period has concluded the customer (based on their email address) will then be eligible to receive a new survey the next time that they interact with your team.