Post a comment
- Scroll to the bottom of the idea. At the top of the list of comments, if any, is the comment entry form.
Moderators and authors may post comments that can only be seen only by moderators and the author.
- Enter you comment.
- Optional: Add files to support your comment.Note: This option is only available when the challenge is configured to allow it.To add files, either:
Drag them from your computer onto the Attach files box, or
Click Attach files and select the files on your computer.
- Optional: Add users to notify about your comment.Notify up to 10 other users about your comment. Begin typing user names and Medallia Ideas provides a list of user names that include the text you have entered.
- Optional: Choose to post anonymously.Note: This option is only available when the challenge is configured to allow it.
- Click Post publicly.Authors click Post to moderators and authors.
Moderators posting to other moderators only click Post to Moderators.