Idea scores

Scores reflect how people voted on an idea

An idea's score, shown in the upper right corner of the idea page, is the reflection of how people have voted for the idea. Voting is a feedback mechanism that fosters community engagement to help bring the most valuable ideas to the forefront.

When a challenge allows voting, the score display and voting options available depend on how the challenge is configured.

Administrators enable and configure the scores per Voting.

A thumbs up/down score displayThumbs up/down — An up vote gives the idea a point. A down vote takes away a point. The score is the the total of votes for added to with the total against. A negative score indicated more votes to reject than to support this idea. This option is not available for milestone challenges.
A thumbs up score displayThumbs up — An up vote give the idea a point. The score is the sum of all votes cast. This is the only option available for milestone challenges.
A stars score displayStars — Rates the idea on a scale. An idea's score is the average of all ratings. This option is not available for milestone challenges.
A points score displayPoints — Users give points to ideas. The maximum count of points that users can give to ideas is set in the voting options. An idea's score is the total of all points awarded to it. This option is not available for milestone challenges.
A scorecard score displayScorecard — Users rate ideas against different criteria. The idea will have an average score for each criterion, and an overall score, averaged across all criteria.

Depending on the the type of score being used, the following voting options may also be present.

Points remaining (voting wallet)

You may be given a fixed number of points for the entire challenge, . In that case you distribute your votes between ideas. When you have a limit, the display tells you how many you have remaining in your wallet.

Message saying "You have 7 points remaining"

Hidden score (blind voting)

The challenge administrator may choose to hide the idea scores.

Thumbs up score with total hidden

Voter list (show who voted)

Some challenges allow you to see who has voted for the idea. When enabled, the list appears below the Idea Stats, which is below the idea score display.

List of voters (1) shown below the Idea Stats, which is below the score display