
The Reporting tab allows you to add Reviewed Note keys and values to Mindful Feedback reports. This allows you to keep track of interactions that have been reviewed and allows you to assign a follow-up action to reviewed interactions. You can also redact PII (Personal Identifiable Information) from open feedback questions.

Reporting Configuration

Quick Access: Settings > Customer Settings > Reporting tab

The Reporting Settings within the Reporting tab include three sections: Reviewed note key, Reviewed note values, and PII keys to redact.

image of the Reporting tab on Customer Settings page

Reviewed Note Key

In the Reviewed note key field, enter the key with no spaces. The Reviewed note key is the name you would like to use to indicate a reviewed note. Reviewed notes appear within Mindful Feedback reports, such as the Dashboard or an Interaction Detail report.

Reviewed Note Values

Reviewed note values identify the follow-up actions needed for reviewed interactions. The Reviewed note values box contains a list of default follow-up actions. You can also add follow-up actions specific to your needs by entering a description in the box.

PII Keys to Redact

This section applies to any Text/Record question across all channels. Mindful Feedback transcribes voice recordings from your customers, and you have the ability to redact information from those transcribed responses. Please note that Personal Identifiable Information (PII) will NOT be redacted from audio files.

To choose what PII you would like to redact from customer responses, click in the PII keys to redact box. A list of PII will appear. Click on each PII that you would like to redact. If you would like to remove PII from the redaction list, simply click the X that appears next to the PII. A list of all available redactable PII is available here.

example of P.I.I. to redactYou can view customer responses with redacted information by opening the Interaction Detail of a survey that contains an open feedback question. An example is shown below.

example of redacted feedback

Reviewing Interactions

You can review interactions by going to the Dashboard and scrolling down to the Top Best/Worst Interactions chart. Then follow the steps below.

image of the Top Best/Worst interactions chart with review steps numbered
  1. Locate the interaction that you would like to mark as reviewed and click the check mark.
  2. In the Review Interaction modal window that appears, select the Reviewed note value from the drop-down menu. These are the values that you entered in the Reviewed note values box on the Reporting tab.
  3. Click the Update button.
Once you click the Update button, the reviewed interaction will be removed from the list. To see interactions that have been reviewed, click the Show Reviewed toggle switch at the bottom of the chart. A list of reviewed interactions will appear, along with the name of the person who reviewed the interaction.
image of reviewed interactions

To view the Interaction Details of an interaction, click the View Details icon next to the interaction. You will see who reviewed the interaction and the Reviewed note, as shown below.

example of an interaction with reviewed notes highlighted