Configuring second-chance surveys

Sometimes customers do not complete surveys for one reason or another. If a customer abandons a survey accidentally or forgets to respond, you can lose the opportunity to gain valuable feedback from someone who was willing to share their experiences. That doesn't have to be the end of the story, though! With timeout triggers, you can send second-chance surveys (or as many attempts as you would like) for any interactions that are not responded to within a defined period. This allows you to capture feedback from interactions that would have otherwise been lost.

This article details how to configure second-chance surveys and provides additional considerations to use this technique effectively.

Configuration Process

The steps below will follow the example of configuring a follow-up email survey if the original email survey is ignored for three days. The specifics may differ in your case, depending on your goals and the types of surveys you provide.

Quick access: Surveys > Your Survey > Advanced tab

Using timeout triggers is the key to second-chance surveys, but there are a few items to configure beforehand.

image of the survey advanced tab with the timeouts section highlighted

  1. Define the timeout period for each type of survey (Surveys > Your Survey > Advanced tab). In our example, we have defined a timeout of three days for email surveys.
  2. Generate an Add Interaction Webhook URL. You will use this later to create a new interaction.
  3. On the Questions tab, add a Custom Trigger in the Timeout Triggers and Events section. Use the example below as a guide when configuring the custom trigger.example trigger and event
  4. Start with the trigger condition. In our example, we only wish to provide one additional chance to respond, so we use a Boolean variable named second_attempt. If second_attempt is not true, we will execute an action. Thus, we set our condition to %second_attempt% != true.

  5. Add a Post to URL action configured as shown in the example:

    • HTTP Method: Select POST.

    • URL: Paste in the Add Interaction Webhook URL created earlier.

    • Authentication Method: Select None.

    • Body: Enter a JSON object defining the parameters of the second-chance survey. Mindful Feedback will use these parameters to generate a new survey interaction. Define as many core survey attributes as possible and any custom attributes that you will need to ensure the second survey matches the first (same external_ref, same customer email, etc.). You can copy the example JSON object provided below as a starting point, if you would like.

A few important parameters from our example JSON object are highlighted below:
  • "email":"%email%": Since we wish to send a second email survey, we set the email parameter to the value of the %email% variable to ensure that the same email address is used for the second attempt.
  • "survey_type":"email": Since we want to deliver a second email survey, we must define the survey_type as email. This could differ in your case, depending on your goal.
  • "second_attempt":"true": This creates and defines the custom attribute that will be evaluated by the custom trigger condition (%second_attempt% != true). At the time of the first interaction, second_attempt did not exist, therefore it was not true, which allowed the custom trigger to proceed. In our second interaction, second_attempt will be true, so the custom trigger will not be activated again. This is how we ensure that only two attempts are made.
Tip: You can use Survey Restrictions to limit the total number of surveys sent to any one customer in a defined timeframe. This ensures that you are not sending too many surveys to customers who do not respond.In the following example, we will not allow more than two of the specified email surveys to be sent to the same email address each month:Quick access: Settings > Customer Settings > Survey Restrictions
image of the Add Rule modal window