General settings
The General tab first includes the name and description fields for the survey as well as the non-question-specific prompts for Greeting, Instructions, and Closing.
Name and Description Fields
The name and description are used internally and are not seen by the survey respondent.
Greeting, Instructions, Closing Prompts
The Greeting, Instructions, and Closing prompts are configured in the General Settings tab.
When a respondent is completing a survey, the prompts will be presented in the following order
TextGreeting > Instructions > Questions > Closing
All prompts, apart from question prompts, are defined in the general tab of survey settings. You can also provide sound files for each prompt that will play during voice interactions.
If no sound file is defined, the text prompts will instead play via text-to-speech in American English.
All survey prompts can leverage the prompts syntax for more responsive text.