Sound files

In order to personalize your surveys with custom sound files, you can easily upload your own files through the Surveys page. Once uploaded, any sound file can be utilized by any survey in your organization. In this guide, you will learn how to upload custom sound files using the most efficient specifications or record new sound files via phone.

Upload Sound Files

  1. To upload a sound file, first open the Surveys page for a specific survey.
  2. In the Sound Files tab, click Add Sound File to expand the tab.
  3. Click Choose File to select a file to upload.
  4. Enter a name for the sound file, then click Upload.

The newly uploaded file will appear in all survey-prompt dropdown menus once the survey management page has reloaded.

example of uploading a sound file

To upload several files at once, click Bulk Upload beneath the Upload button. This will open a new page that will allow you to drag and drop multiple files.

Tip: The most efficient specifications for sound files are as follows:
  • File format: .wav
  • Sample rate: 8000 Hz
  • Codec: pcmU/pcmA
  • Bitrate: 64 kbps
  • Size: < 1MB

Record Sound Files via Phone

One other way of uploading sound files is to do so over the phone. On the Customer Settings page, under Customer credentials, you will find a phone number that you can call to record prompts, as well as a Phone PIN which will let you access that recording method. The directions for the service are fairly self-explanatory and you can record multiple prompts in one call.

image of the Customer Credentials tab

These recordings will then automatically be populated in the Saved Sound Files list on the Survey Management page. As shown below:

example saved sound files list

These names are based on the date and time that you recorded the audio and can be edited by changing the name in the text box and clicking the blue checkmark button to save the changes.

Saved Sound Files

The Saved Sound Files list shows all files that were previously uploaded. Here you can update the name of a file by changing the name in the text box and clicking on the check mark icon, delete a file by clicking on the trash button, or open the file to play or download in a new tab by clicking on the play button.