Email & web

The Email & Web tab allows you to customize various aspects of email and web surveys such as sender information, logos, and CSS.

All of the settings in this tab can utilize the Survey prompts syntax to configure dynamic values.

Email Properties

The Email subject line is what will be shown as the subject of the email.

The Email from address is the address that the email survey will appear to be from to your customers receiving the email survey. The default is, however, this should only be used for testing. Contact your account representative if you wish to send email surveys and we will provide instructions to configure your DNS settings to grant Mindful permission to send on behalf of your domain.

The Email from name is the name of the sender. This will default to your customer name.

Logo Prompt

You can customize what logo you'd like to show on your Web/Email surveys here. If you decide to leave this blank then Mindful will populate this with the logo you have chosen in the branding settings.

The logo prompt value should be in the following format:

![Image Alt Text](Image URL)

All images must be referenced as a URL and therefore hosted either on a corporate domain or image hosting platform.

This is what an email would look like with the following given settings:
image of the Email and Web tab

example survey with prompts highlighted

Note: Dynamic logos use case -

The logo prompt is a handy way to show a different brand logo if, for example, your business represents multiple brands. The following example shows how to dynamically show one of three different brand logos depending on the value of the Call Type attribute.

[%call_type%==BRAND_A??![Brand A Logo](http://url/branda.jpg)]
[%call_type%==BRAND_B??![Brand B Logo](http://url/brandb.jpg)]
[%call_type%==BRAND_C??![Brand C Logo](http://url/brandc.jpg)]

This would allow the same survey to be used for various brands and the respondent would be shown the appropriate logo depending on the call type attribute.

CSS File Prompt

If you would like to change the default CSS of an email or web survey you can configure your own CSS file from the survey management page. In this field you will enter the name of a CSS file that you have previously configured. For more information on CSS customization, check out the Custom CSS article.

Redirect URL / Timeout

If you would like to redirect your customer to a particular URL at the conclusion of the survey you can do so by specifying the URL here. The survey will automatically send the respondent to the specified URL after the number of seconds configured in the Redirect Timeout field. The following is an example of a three-second redirect timeout to the Mindful Feedback homepage.

Example of Redirect to homepage

Tip: Use a button instead of automatic redirect

If you use a value of -1 for the Redirect Timeout, a button will be shown that the customer can click to be sent to the Redirect URL.