Question types
Medallia Agent Connect surveys support the following primary question types. For information about using questions in surveys, see Surveys.
- Star Rating
- First Contact Resolution
- Custom Scale
- Multiple Choice
Medallia Agent Connect also supports the following secondary question types, which are associated with a primary question when your company uses Areas of Excellence (AOE), Ares of Improvements (AOI), or rewards.
- Areas of Excellence/Rewards
- Areas of Improvement
Star Rating
A Star Rating question asks customers to rate their Team Member from one to five stars, low to high. Customers click any star to provide their rating.
Configure these fields when adding a Star Rating question to a survey:
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Opening line
- For each channel used by your company, enter text that appears above the Team Member profile picture. For example, in the image above, the Opening line is for the Phone channel, and reads, You recently had a call with {{employee.first_name}}:
- Question
- For each channel used by your company, enter question text that appears above the stars. In the example above, the Question is, How satisfied are you with the service you received from {{employee.first_name}} today?
- Start label
- The label of the lowest rating. In the example above, the Start label is Poor.
- End label
- The label of the highest rating. In the example above, the End label is Excellent.
- Comment placeholder
- Text that prompts customers to explain the rating they gave the Team Member. This text appears only after a customer clicks a star. For example, your Comment placeholder might be, Please tell us why you chose this rating.
- Enable Areas of Excellence/Rewards & Areas of Improvement
- Turn On to enable Areas of Excellence/Rewards and Areas of Improvement for this question. For more information, see Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement and Rewards. Note: This property can be On for only one question in your survey.
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.
A Net Promoter Score (NPS) question asks customers to rate their likelihood (from 0 to 10) that they would recommend your company to others. Customers click a number to provide their rating.
Configure the following fields when adding an NPS question to a survey:
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Show headshot & bio
- Turn On to include the Team Member picture and bio in the question.
- Question
- Question text that appears above the stars. In the example above, the Question is, How likely is it that you would recommend {{}} to a friend or colleague?
- Start label
- The label of the lowest rating. In the example above, the Start label is Not Likely.
- End label
- The label of the highest rating. In the example above, the End label is Very Likely.
- Enable comments
- Turn On to prompt customers to enter information about their rating.
- Comment placeholder
- When Enable comments is On, enter text that prompts customers to explain the rating they gave. The text appears only after a customer clicks a number.
- Enable Areas of Excellence/Rewards & Areas of Improvement
- Turn On to enable Areas of Excellence/Rewards and Areas of Improvement for this question. For more information, see Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement and Rewards. Note: This property can be On for only one question in your survey.
- Show Question on Stream
- Turn On to include this question in the Stream.
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.
First Contact Resolution
A First Contact Resolution (FCR) question asks customers to provide a binary answer to a question about their issue resolution.
Configure the following fields when adding an FCR question to a survey:
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Show headshot & bio
- Turn On to include the Team Member picture and bio in the question.
- Question
- Question text that appears above the answer choices. In the example above, the Question text is, Were we able to resolve your issue today?
- Option 1
- The first possible answer to the Question, usually Yes.
- Option 2
- The second possible answer to the Question, usually No.
- Enable comments
- Turn On to prompt customers to enter information about their rating.
- Comment placeholder
- When Enable comments is On, enter text that prompts customers to provide more context about their answer. The text appears only after a customer clicks an option.
- Show Question on Stream
- Turn On to include this question in the Stream.
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.
Custom Scale
A Custom Scale question behaves similarly to an NPS question, in that it asks customers to rate something along a numeric scale. With a Custom Scale question, however, you decide exactly what customers rate. You also decide the size of the scale, to an upper limit of 20. For example, the Custom Scale question in the following image asks customers to rate the truth of the statement, It was easy to solve my problem, and provides an 11-point scale for the answer.
Configure these fields when adding a Custom Scale question to a survey:
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Show headshot & bio
- Turn On to include the Team Member picture and bio in the question.
- Question
- Question text that appears above the rating scale.
- Scale start
- The lowest number on the scale of answers.
- Scale end
- The highest number of the scale of answers.
- Start label
- The label of the lowest rating. In the example above, the Start label is Not Easy.
- End label
- The label of the highest rating. In the example above, the End label is Very Easy.
- Enable comments
- Turn On to prompt customers to enter information about their rating.
- Comment placeholder
- When Enable comments is On, enter text that prompts customers to explain the rating they gave. The text appears only after a customer clicks a number.
- Show Question on Stream
- Turn On to include this question in the Stream.
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.
Multiple Choice
A Multiple Choice question asks customers to select from multiple options when answering your question.
Configure the following fields when adding a Multiple Choice question to a survey:
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Show headshot & bio
- Turn On to include the Team Member picture and bio in the question.
- Question
- Question text that appears above the answer choices. In the example above, the Question text is, What is your preferred way to be reached?
- Option 1
- The first possible answer to the Question.
- Option 2
- The second possible answer to the Question.
Click Add new option to add more options.
- Enable comments
- Turn On to prompt customers to provide context about their answer.
- Comment placeholder
- When Enable comments is On, enter text that prompts customers to explain the rating they gave. The text appears only after a customer clicks an option.
- Show Question on Stream
- Turn On to include this question in the Stream.
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.
Areas of Excellence/Rewards
Configure these fields when using Areas of Excellence or Rewards in a survey. For more information, see Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement and Rewards.
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Question
- For each channel used by your company, enter text that prompts customers to explain what the Team Member did well. Consider using the same text for each channel, such as, What did {{employee.first_name}} do particularly well?
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.
Areas of Improvement
Configure the following fields when using Areas of Improvement in a survey. For more information, see Areas of Excellence and Areas of Improvement.
- Nickname
- A nickname for the question, to make it easier for you and other survey authors to identify the question.
- Question
- For each channel used by your company, enter text that prompts customers to explain what the Team Member needs to improve. Consider using the same text for each channel, such as, Sorry to hear about your experience. What could {{employee.first_name}} do to improve?
- Reporting identifier
- A unique identifier for the question. Do not change this field unless asked to do so by Medallia Customer Support.