Troubleshooting Salesforce integrations

Address potential issues with the Salesforce integration.

Use the following information to help troubleshoot an integration that is not working as expected. For issues not listed here, or for additional help, contact the Agent Connect Support team or your account manager for assistance.

General troubleshooting

Begin troubleshooting by performing the following actions, in order:

  1. Confirm that the integration is enabled.

    In the Agent Connect Lightning Configuration tab, the Requests Auto-triggering fields on the Request Field Mapping and Service Recovery Mapping tabs should be set to either Test or Production. The managed package might have been disabled if there was a critical error in the system.

  2. Check Request records.

    In the Agent Connect Requests tab, review Request records for the timeframe you are investigating to find any errors with helpful information. Remember that you can view the underlying case record from the Case field in the Request record.

    If needed, use the Resend button on individual records or multiple records selected on the tab.

  3. Review your Flows.

    Make sure your Salesforce Flow (initial request or service recovery) contains the exact conditions that you intended, and verify that the case(s) in question met the conditions configured in the Flow.

    Verify that the Flow shows "Activated" in the Progress Status column on the Flows page. If it is not, open the Flow Builder and click Activate.

  4. Check whether agents have made changes to the record after the case is solved.

    Consider the following examples:

    • When an agent closes a case, the agent might then delete the contact on the case, making the customer email address blank. When the managed package attempts to send the survey request, you receive an error message about the missing customer email address.

    • An agent might assign a closed case to a queue. When this happens, there is no agent associated with the case when the Agent Connect request is sent, resulting in an error. If needed, you can prevent this via entry conditions for the related Flow.

  5. Check the Agent Connect API request status page (

    If the API request is successful but the request fails another validation within Agent Connect, you should see a failed request listed on the API request status page. Requests might fail, preventing surveys from being sent. For example, the team member's Agent Connect profile might not be complete. These errors do not disable the integration in Salesforce.

  6. Enable debugging.

    If you need to contact Medallia Support, enable debug logging for users and configure trace flags and debug levels in the Developer Console or in Setup. Sometimes an error message is not enough and the Medallia team can better assist you by reviewing debug logs.

Integration error notification sources

You might see error messages coming from the following sources.

Agent Connect Lightning Configuration tab

Some error emails are generated by the managed package itself, and are sent to the email addresses entered on the configuration tab.

These emails reference errors created when survey requests created in Salesforce are missing required information, such as a customer email address or employee email address/ID. The email you receive contains a link to any record that created the error, so you can review the records and fix the root cause. Agent Connect sends one notification email after the first error, and a subsequent notification email after the tenth error within 24 hours.

Agent Connect

Emails with the subject line API Error Alert come from the Agent Connect, and reference failed survey requests. These errors are visible on the API Request Status page in Agent Connect. Failed survey requests do not disable your Agent Connect integration in Salesforce.