(Beta) Advanced exports

Customize the export of survey data in CSV format.

Restriction: This functionality is currently in Beta. During this early access period, clients in the Beta program can try out and test this feature, and provide feedback about it. This stage allows Medallia to refine the feature's design before its general availability. Be aware that functionality may change before then.

You can export survey data in CSV format on the Feedback Exports page for detailed analysis outside of the application. This page provides options to customize the exported data to view only what is most important to you. Individual users can save exports for later, set up a recurring export schedule, or download recently requested exports on this page, with each user being able to save their own configuration.

Follow the steps below to configure a new export:

  1. On the Settings page, click the Feedback Exports tile.

    The tile will display the date and time of the latest export, for reference.

    image of the feedback exports tile
  2. On the Feedback Exports page, click Create New Export.

  3. Configure the Request Types section:

    image of the request types section
    • Survey Type — Use the toggle switches to include data from your feedback survey, your service recovery survey, or both.

    • Response Type — Choose whether to include all requests or only requests with responses.

    • Archived — Toggle the switch On to include any responses that have been removed from the Stream.

  4. Configure the Scheduled Exports section:

    image of the scheduled exports section
    • To make this a one-time export, leave the "Just once" option selected.

      You will have the option to save this export for on-demand generation in the "Save for the Future" section below.

    • To create a recurring schedule, select the "Recurring exports" option, then configure the schedule in the provided fields.

      All times are displayed in the UTC time zone.

    • To adjust the first day of the week or the first date of the quarter shown on the page, click Adjust for this export.

      The starting points for the week and quarter are based on your company's preferences on the Metric Configuration page, but you can override them for your personal exports.

  5. In the Fields section, deselect any fields you do not wish to include in the export.

    All fields are selected by default, but you may find that not all fields are relevant to your organization. Deselecting fields here will result in a cleaner and less cluttered export.

    image of the fields section

    See "Considerations for response fields" later in this guide for important details about fields in the Response section. To learn more about the fields available in this section, see Export responses: table and field descriptions.

  6. (Optional) If you would like to save the configuration of this export to use for future exports, toggle the Save Export Settings switch On.

    image of the save for the future section
    Note: Saving export settings is only available for one-time exports, not recurring exports.
  7. Click Request Export Now when finished.

    The export will be listed near the bottom of the page, where you can download it when it is ready. You will also receive an email from noreply@stellaconnect.net with a link to download the file.

    example of recently requested exports

Considerations for response fields

Fields in the Response section depend on the survey questions being used in your company's surveys.

example response fields
  • Active survey questions will display the name of the survey in which they are active (Feedback or Service Recovery). If questions are shared across both surveys, be sure to select the field option for the appropriate survey. Fields for service recovery surveys will always be appended with "recovery" as a part of the field name (for example, "recovery_recovery_42561").

  • Questions that have been removed from a survey will be listed as "Inactive". You can still select these fields to incorporate any historical responses to inactive questions.

  • To capture any new questions added to your surveys after the export is configured, select the "Automatically include questions added to Survey Builder in future exports" option. Remember that new questions must be published in a survey in order to receive responses and include them in the export.

View saved, recurring, and recent exports

On the Feedback Exports page, you can quickly access any exports that were saved for later, scheduled to recur, or recently requested. For saved exports, click Request Now to generate an export using the saved settings. For recurring exports, you can request to generate one immediately, pause the schedule, or edit the export settings.

example of saved exports