Dimensions Files

We provide 14 dimensions files with each data export. These files contain the MXO configuration data that is referenced by the main customer data files.

Files Provided

The table below includes a list of the dimensions files we provide, along with their contents.

File Description Columns ID's
dim_activitytypes All Activity Types currently published for a Space. Activity Type IDActivity TypeLifecycle Stage IDDeleted
dim_actions All Actions currently published for a Space. Action IDActionDeleted
dim_assets All Assets currently published for a Space. Asset IDAssetAsset TypeDeleted
dim_attributes All Attributes currently published for a Space. Attribute IDAttribute LabelAttribute TypeDeleted
dim_channels Channels in Medallia Experience Orchestration. Channel IDChannelDeleted 0 = Web1 = Mobile2 = Assisted3 = Social4 = Physical5 = Outbound
dim_deviceOS Device OS in Medallia Experience Orchestration. Device OS IDDevice OSDeleted 0 = Android1 = Windows2 = iOS3 = OS X4 = Linux5 = Other
dim_devicetype Device Types in Medallia Experience Orchestration. Device Type IDDevice TypeDeleted 0 = Games Console1 = PDA2 = Personal Computer3 = Smart TV4 = Smartphone5 = Tablet6 = Wearable7 = Other
dim_events Event types in Medallia Experience Orchestration. Event Type IDEvent TypeDeleted 1 = Action2 = Activity
dim_interactions All Interaction Points currently published for a Space. Interaction IDInteractionDeleted
dim_lifecyclestages All Lifecycle Stages currently published for a Space. Lifecycle Stage IDLifecycle StageDeleted
dim_optimizations All Optimization Points currently published for a Space. Optimization Point IDOptimization PointDeleted
dim_propositions All Propositions currently published for a Space. Proposition IDProposition Full Name (path in Proposition hierarchy)PropositionProposition CodeDeleted
dim_states Customer response types tracked in Medallia Experience Orchestration. State IDStateDeleted 0 = View1 = Positive2 = Negative3 = Neutral
dim_touchpoints All Touchpoints currently published for a Space. Touchpoint IDTouchpointDeleted

Points to Note

  • The Deleted column in each dim file is a boolean, either TRUE or FALSE. The column shows TRUE if that dimension is disabled before MXO creates an export.