Create and Manage Objectives

This topic provides instructions on how to create, manage, and delete objectives within the MXO platform, allowing users to track progress towards engagement goals.

Objectives can be defined to track 'milestone' activities that indicate progress towards engagement goals. Users may also assign a monetary value to each milestone event.

Create an Objective

  1. To create an objective in MXO, navigate to Analyze > Objectives, and click Create.

  2. On the Create Objective screen, enter the objective's name and description.

  3. If assigning a monetary value, choose Yes and specify the calculation method: Activity Attribute for a dynamic value based on customer activities, or Fixed Value for a static amount.

    Alternatively, select No to continue without defining an associated monetary value for the Objective.

  4. Link Activity Types by using the + icon to define completion criteria, select the relevant activity types, and click Select.

  5. Save the new objective with the Save button.

Edit an Objective

To edit an Objective in MXO, navigate to Analyze > Objectives, click the Edit icon for the desired Objective, make changes, and save.

Delete an Objective

To delete an Objective in MXO, navigate to Analyze > Objectives, click the Delete icon for the desired Objective. Confirm the deletion in the Item Deletion dialog.