Custom Property mapping

Custom Properties (custom ticket fields) are a means of passing data to Medallia Agent Connect along with each Survey Request to allow your team to use custom ticket fields to filter Interactions for QA, both on the Interactions page and when building a QA Assignment. Some example use cases include

  • Send a Contact Reason field so you don't need to rely on just raw Tags.

  • Have a custom ticket field that holds the ticket's Handle Time.

  • Include the Loyalty Program Level of the customer you're helping in a ticket.

  • Supply a Boolean flag that says whether the interaction has a Screen Recording.

Interactions showing custom properties

Sending Custom Properties to Medallia Agent Connect

Sending Custom Properties is relatively simple! If you use one of our turnkey integrations that supports customizing your survey triggers, you can add Custom Properties very easily. Unfortunately, not every CRM/Ticketing System allows customization of the survey trigger to send your custom ticket fields to us, but we do offer an Open API for sending Survey Requests to us, if you'd prefer to switch to that method for the ability to add those Custom Properties!

If you're not sure if your CRM/Ticketing System allows you to send Custom Properties, chat with our Support Team via the in-app Contact Us menu option.

Mapping Your Custom Properties

Once your Custom Properties have been passed to Medallia Agent Connect at least once in a survey request (even if the survey request is marked Do Not Send!), we'll store the Custom Property as a new field in our database. Next, you'll just need to map your new field to let us know what data type it holds, the Custom Field Name you'd like us to show for your field in the Medallia Agent Connect UI, and select where you want the new field to be used for QA.

Animated image showing filter selection options

To map your new Custom Property field, head to Settings > Integrations and scroll down to the Interaction Fields section.

  1. Click on the Select Field button, and choose your field from the dropdown (remember – we must have received at least one Survey Request, even if it's marked as Do Not Send, before your field will appear here!)

  2. Click the + Add button

  3. Now that your field is shown on the Field Mapping Table, select a Data Type to let us know what type of data your field contains. We have many Data Type options to choose from, but here are our recommended Data Types for the best filtering experience.

    • String: A string is simply a value that contains text

    • Integer: An integer is a simple number value

    • Unique ID: Unique ID is for any field that will pass us a unique value. For example, if you're going to pass us an Account ID that represents the customer from each of your interactions, use the Unique ID data type.

    • Boolean: A Boolean is a Yes/No or True/False type value

    • Duration: Duration holds a timestamp-type value. For example, if you'd like to send us the Handle Time of an interaction.

  4. Once your Data Type is selected, give your new field a custom Display Name — you can name your field anything you'd like, just be sure to use a name your team will understand!

  5. Select where you'd like the new field to be displayed/usable. Here are your two options:

    • On Review: When selected, we'll show this field on the QA Review UI under the Interaction Details. This is best used when the value it holds is helpful to a QA Reviewer while they're conducting the QA Review.

    • Interaction Filter: When selected, we'll show your new field as a filter on the Interactions page, where Managers and Reviewers can filter to find interactions to QA Review, and we'll show the filter on the QA Assignment Builder when building a new QA Assignment so that you can target the right interactions for your QA Reviewers to work on (for example, create a QA Assignment where at least 2 chats and 2 emails with the Contact Reason "refunds" is present).

Click Save Changes before navigating away from the Integrations page.

To check your work, go to the Interactions page and take a look at any new Interaction Filters or start a QA Review and look for your new field under Interaction Details.