
A QA scorecard is a collection of questions used by reviewers when scoring a customer interaction. Scorecards help to provide consistency, clarity, and uniformity across QA reviews, and help define the skills and areas of focus for Team Members.

A company can use several different scorecards, but it is common to have two scorecards: one for voice interactions (the phone channel) and one for written interactions (the email and chat channels). Reviewers choose a scorecard when starting a review. For more information, see Review interactions.


When reviewing an interaction, reviewers answer questions on a scorecard to score that interaction. For example, a question might ask whether the Team Member violated any company policies during the interaction, with the only possible answers being Yes or No. A different question might ask whether the Team Member answered the customer's questions, with possible answers being Exceptional, Demonstrated, and No, as shown in the following example in the scorecard editor:

An example question in a scorecard

Each question has Question text asking the question reviewers must answer, and two or more Answers from which reviewers must select.

Each answer in a question has an associated Score value. When a review is completed, Medallia Agent Connect uses all of the scores for the answers selected during that review to calculate an overall score for the interaction.

If you set the Autofail field for any answer to Yes, selecting that value for that question during a review automatically fails the interaction with a score of 0%.

Turn on Include N/A option (below all answers in that question) so reviewers see an N/A option for that question during the review, this allows them to exclude that question from the calculation of the final score. Use this option only when the question does not always apply to every interaction. For example, a question might ask whether the Team Member used the customer's name in greeting, but the customer's name might not be available to the Team Member.

Tip: If you want to use N/A as an answer, and you would also like points for that answer used in the final interaction score, do not turn on Include N/A option for that question. Instead, add a specific answer for N/A, and assign a Score to that answer.


Medallia recommends that you group your questions into logical sections, such as Greeting, Resolution, Company Voice, and so on. Using sections in scorecards makes scoring easier for reviewers, and provides an opportunity to report on Team Member performance by section.

Tip: You can reorder questions within a section, but you cannot move questions to a different section. If you need to move a question to a different section, delete the question in its original section, and then recreate that question in its new section.


Apply weighting to sections to make the questions in some sections more or less important than the questions in other sections. Weighting does not impact the raw total point value of a review, but it does impact the final score percentage. For example, a scorecard might have three sections of questions. During a review, an interaction receives the following raw score for each section:

Brand Voice25/30
Policies & Documentation10/10

In this unweighted example, the interaction received a total of 50 points out of a possible 70 points, for a final calculated score of 71%.

However, your company might value the Outcome and Policies & Documentation sections higher than the Brand Voice section. In this case, the Brand Voice might be weighted at 20%, while the Outcome and Policies sections are weighted at 40% each, as shown in the following image:

Scorecard weighting configuration

Using the review from the example above, the interaction receives the following weighted scores:

SectionUnweighted ScoreWeighted score
Brand Voice(25/30) x 100 = 83.3383.33 x .2 = 16.67
Outcome(15/30) x 100 = 5050 x .4 = 20
Policies & Documentation(10/10) x 100 = 100100 x .4 = 40

Adding the weighted scores for each section gives a total weighted score for the interaction of 76 .67, which is rounded to 77% in reports.

Creating scorecards

Admins and Team Leaders can create scorecards.

For an overview of this process, watch this video:

To create a scorecard:

  1. On the Settings screen, click QA.

    The QA screen appears.

  2. Click Create new scorecard.

    The QA Scorecard Builder screen appears.

    QA Scorecard Builder screen

  3. Enter a unique Scorecard Name.
  4. Create the Sections (see above) in your scorecard.
    1. Above the first empty question, click Add section.

      The new section includes the first empty question.

    2. Enter the Section name.
    3. Above or below the list of questions, add and name other sections as needed.

      Each section you add includes an empty question.

    4. As needed, use the up and down arrows next to the Section name to reorder sections.
  5. In each section, create one or more review Questions.
    1. Enter the Question text seen by reviewers.
    2. Optionally, enter a Question description.
    3. Provide the Answer text, Score, and Autofail for the the first answer.
    4. As needed, click Add answer to create additional answers for the question.
    5. As needed, click Add question to create additional questions in the section, and create answers for each question.
    6. As needed, drag and drop questions to reorder them within the section.
  6. Optionally, provide Weighting for the scorecard.
    1. At the top of the QA Scorecard Builder screen, click Weight.

      A weighting dialog appears.

    2. Turn the Enable section weighting field On.
    3. For each section in your scorecard, enter a percentage weight.

      The total weights must equal 100.

    4. Click Confirm Distribution.
  7. Click Save scorecard.

Editing, duplicating, and archiving scorecards

Admins and Team Leaders can edit, duplicate, and archive scorecards.

If a scorecard has not yet been used in a review, you can edit that scorecard without limitations. On the QA setup screen, click Edit next to the scorecard you want to edit.

List of scorecards on the QA screen

For any scorecard with associated reviews, you can only make edits that do not impact historical scores, such as the scorecard name, question names, answer names, and descriptions. If you need to make major changes, such as editing question scores, adding questions or sections, and so on, you must create a different scorecard that has your edits. You can either create a brand new scorecard as described in Creating scorecards above, or duplicate an existing scorecard and then edit the new unused scorecard to include your edits.

Archive scorecards that are no longer needed. Archiving prevents any new reviews from using that scorecard. When archiving a scorecard, you have the option to also archive all the reviews associated with that scorecard, removing those reviews from all reports. This option cannot be undone.