
With Agent Connect's QA reporting feature, you can now understand the performance of your QA program at a glance. Our QA reporting feature gives you granular insight into the performance of your team member, shows you how your QA program is trending overall, and gives you a detailed view into how which sections and questions your team is struggling the most with.

To view Agent Connect's QA reporting feature go to the QA tab in the main navigation bar of Agent Connect. Click on the "Reporting" feature in the dropdown menu.

Overview reporting

To see an overview of your QA trends, go to the "Overview" section within your QA reporting feature. You will see a summary of high level stats to help you get a quick understanding of how your QA program is doing.

Agent Connect will show you how many total reviews were completed, and how many of those are scored vs. annotations only. An annotations only review means that while the review was completed, the review was not scored, and used for the purpose of coaching only.

You will also see the overall average score, and the count of team members out of your total active team members that have had a review. ​​

image of overview stats

Reporting Filters

We've updated the QA reporting filters so you can easily sort the data by languages, channels and tags. You can also easily compare CSAT and QA scores in the same report and filter reviews by different reporting groups.

Scorecard overview and trends over time

Use the scorecard overview to compare the performance across your various scorecards. For example, you may notice that your team is performing significantly better on chat and email compared to phone interactions. This information can help you direct your attention where it is most needed.

image of the scorecard overview graph

In addition, you can view trends over time in order to identify patterns of behavior in QA performance.

image of the trends over time graph

Scorecard details

To see more details about any scorecard, click into any chart within your overview page, or select "See details" to drill into a scorecard.

Within scorecard details, you will be able to see a breakdown of scorecard data by section if your team is using sections. This data can be very useful in uncovering where your team needs the most help. For example, you may notice that the team is struggling more with "Customer connection" as compared to "Opening".

image of the weighted scorecard graph

We highly recommend that your team use scorecard sections to get to this level of granular insight if not already doing so. For more information on how to add sections to your scorecards, see Scorecards.

Scorecard details question breakdown

In addition to viewing a breakdown of scorecard data by section, Agent Connect will also break down scorecard data by question. The question breakdown is intended to help you quickly identify potential problem areas or areas of excellence at a glance. For example, if you notice that 22% of the time your team fails to educate the customer, this might help you pinpoint potential training opportunities and/or opportunities for updating macros.

image of the email and chat question breakdown

Performance by team member

To get a more detailed look into the performance of your team members, go to the "Team members" section within your QA reporting feature.

This chart will provide a breakdown of your team member performance by scorecard, and will also show trending compared to last period so that you can quickly identify if team member performance is moving up or down. ​

image of the team members scorecard

To get an even more granular view into each team member's performance select "See reviews". This will open any applicable reviews for the team member so that you can review the qualitative information left by the QA reviewers. You will be able to page between all applicable reviews using the QA reader function. ​

example review

Completed and draft reviews

To get a full list of all reviews, go to the QA tab in the main navigation bar of Agent Connect. Click on the "Reviews" feature in the dropdown menu. The reviews page is now separated into completed and draft reviews. Your completed reviews will show applicable summary stats. ​

example of viewing completed reviews

More reporting

For more robust reporting needs, use the export action within completed reviews to export all reviews, or utilize our QA data return API to connect all QA data to an internal BI tool. For more information on our QA data return, see Data Return API.