Start an assignment as a reviewer
Reviewing Interactions
If you are a QA Reviewer and you'd like to begin reviewing your Assignments, click on the QA tab in the main navigation bar at the top of the screen, then select Assignments from the dropdown menu.
You will see a list of all Assignments for which you are a selected reviewer. You'll also see details about the Assignment (cadence, due dates), the Status (New or In Progress), the Progress of the Assignment, a list of Team Members to be reviewed and a list of Reviewers assigned to the Assignment.
From here, you can take additional actions, such as reviewing the Assignment details to review the history of the Assignment, or choosing to start to Review the Assignment. Additional options to copy the Assignment to create a new Assignment based on the existing criteria or archive the Assignment are available from the three dot icon to view more actions. If you are looking to edit an assignment to make changes to the participants you can do so from the Assignment Details page based on the QA permissions allocated to your role.
To begin your work and start conducting QA reviews, select Review under the Actions section. Agent Connect will automatically select an interaction that meets your assignment criteria for you to review.
For assignments based on groups or teams, any changes in the group/team membership will automatically change the number of reviews assigned to each reviewer. If a reviewer's assignment goal has changed, a yellow indicator will be displayed near the "Assignments" option in the QA menu for that reviewer.
After loading the Assignments page, the reviewer will see a note on the affected assignment detailing the changes. Hovering over either of the two indicators on this page will reveal what changed and how the change impacted the number of assigned reviews:
We recommend that reviewers check the Assignments page any time they see the indicator in the navigation menu to verify whether the change has increased their number of assigned reviews.
For more information about what changed in the underlying group or team, click in the Members column to view a slide-out panel showing any changes: