Email notifications for QA

The email notifications feature notifies users by email when certain QA events happen. Team Leaders and Admins enable email notifications for calibrations and completed reviews on the QA setup screen.

Email notification settings

The notifications are:

  • Calibration — Notifies Team Leaders when they have been added to a review calibration. For more information, see Calibrations.
  • Completed reviews — Notifies Team Members as soon as one of their interactions has been reviewed. This encourages Team Members to look at their QA Reviews within Medallia Agent Connect right away so they can adjust the way they interact with customers. For more information about QA reviews, see Review interactions.
  • Acknowledgments and appeals — Notifies selected users when an appeal is submitted. Selected users receive a notification for every appeal, no matter who submitted each appeal. For more information about appeals, see Acknowledgments and appeals.

Email notifications Team Members receive for completed reviews include the date the review was completed, the name of the reviewer, the unique interaction ID, a link to that interaction, the name of the scorecard used for the review, and the number of annotations added to the review.

Example of an email notification for a QA review

Click View results to open the review in Medallia Agent Connect.