Searching for contact history
Contact history provides you with specific contact information such as a person's name, email address, and any other fields you imported. You can also see the surveys in which a contact participated, the exact status for a survey, the date the contact was added to a survey, and the date the contact was invited. You can also access contact reports for all surveys in which a contact participated.
You can find contact history in two ways. To find contact history from a survey in which a contact participated, complete the steps in Searching for contacts across all surveys. To find contact history from your contacts list, complete the following steps:
Look up a contact's history
- Select the survey that contains the contact whose history you want to see.
Select Distribute.
Select a distribution method. If your distribution method is not available, click Add / Remove channel and activate the correct channel.
Select Contacts.
Select History from the Actions dropdown for the specific contact whose history you want to see.
A new tab opens in your browser containing contact history. The top portion of the page contains general information that was imported with the contact. The Survey participation overview section lists the number of surveys in which the contact participated. Click the Respondent report link in the Report column to view specific information about the contact's involvement in that survey. Click Download in the top right corner of the page to download a PDF version of the contact history. You can also print the page.
General Data Protection Regulation
This function is also required by the GDPR article 15 section 3:
Right to Access
Part of the expanded rights of data subjects outlined by the GDPR is the right for data subjects to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, where and for what purpose. Further, the controller shall provide a copy of the personal data, free of charge, in an electronic format.