JSON schema
Feedbacks array: MetaData
JSON | Description |
Creation timestamp in milliseconds The Id of the feedback The form which generated the feedback The property Id (same as in the embed code) Originated URL (or [Preview] or [Direct] Submitter’s IP address The submitter’s user agent data Submitter’s location Form trigger type: Button/Invitation/MobileInvitation/Code Indication if feedback was flagged (in inbox) Indication if feedback was read (in inbox) Origin type Submitter display name Dynamic data User details A UUID for the feedback screen capture URL Extra integration data on feedback Contentsquare session URL sessionCam session URL tealeaf session URL Originated URL query parameters string Array of tag labels and colors added to a feedback item |
The form field contains a description of the form that originated this feedback. It also contains the targeting configuration including the triggers associated with the form at the time of submission.
JSON | Description |
Form Name Form Id Form Creation Data (timestamp) Indication if form is published at the submission time Indication if form is custom html Indication if the form itself was deleted Version of internal template true/false if form is Locked by CX Group Manager |
The url field contains the URL of the page on which the survey was displayed and from where feedback was submitted.
The following are exceptions:
“[Preview]” — In case feedback was submitted from the survey editor when survey was previewed (during testing).
“[Direct]” — In case feedback was submitted from a direct link that opens the survey.
User Agent Data
The userAgentData field contains data processed from the user agent string to determine the work environment of the client at time of submission.
JSON | Description |
Vendor of the user’s device User’s device model User’s device marketing name Indication if user’s device is mobile (tablet or phone) Indication if user’s device is a mobile phone Indication if user’s device is a tablet Hardware type Screen resolution: width X height OS name OS version Submitter’s selected webpage language Submitter’s selected webpage locale Submitter’s browser Submitter’s browser version Usable screen resolution: width X height |
Hardware type examples — “Mobile Phone”, “Set Top Box”, “TV”, “Tablet”, “Desktop”, “Media Player” etc…
OS Name examples — "Linux - Ubuntu", "Windows NT", “Android”, “Linux”, “"Windows 2000", "Linux - Fedora", "Windows RT", "Windows Vista", "Chrome OS", "Windows 8.1", "Windows 7", "Windows NT 4.10", "Windows 10", "Windows 8", "Windows XP", “iOS”, "Windows Phone"
Browser name examples — “Chromium”, "Opera Mobile", "Samsung Browser", "Comodo Dragon", “Firefox”, “Safari”, "Amazon Silk", "Chrome Mobile", “Opera”, “Chrome”, “Edge”, "Android Browser"
The location field contains the geo-location data of the client at time of submission.
JSON | Description |
Submitter’s country full name Submitter’s region/state Submitter’s city name Submitter’s two-letter country code |
Origin Type
The originType field contains one of seven types describing the origin of the feedback:
Preview — From the Preview button in survey editor (Command Center)
Direct — From a direct link to the survey.
Button — From a Digital button.
Invitation — From an invitation.
Code — Survey triggered by custom code calling the survey SDK.
MobileInvitation — From a mobile property invitation.
Live — Default
User Details
The userDetailsSection field contains the information supplied by the end-user who submitted the survey and completed the contact details fields in the survey.
JSON | Description |
Submitter's name Submitter's email Submitter's phone number |
name”, “email”, and “phone” details are available only if the user supplied fields that are designated as user’s details fields/roles
“displayUserDetails” is determined by these fields
If “name” is available, display name would be “name”
If not and “email” is available. display name would be “email”
If not, display name would be “Guest”
Dynamic Data
The dynamicData section of the feedback contains the data from fields on the survey as well as any custom parameters captured at the time of survey submission. The data will be contained in an array called “pages”, which corresponds to the pages of the survey.
Pages (array containing the Components array) — these are the responses (the field components) associated with the survey that originated the feedback. Each survey is created by the survey builder, where multiple pages and multiple fields per page can be added. Each survey can be completely different from the next.
Custom parameters —these are metadata fields collected from the website that embedded the survey or were supplied by the website. Custom parameters and collection method configuration is done per website in using custom parameters.
JSON | Description |
Survey originated data, separated by pages made from array of page JSONs, ordered by page sequence. Custom parameter data made from array of custom parameter JSONs. |
A page is simply a page in a survey. All surveys have a minimum of one page and can have multiple pages. The pages object contains the answers submitted on a specific page in the survey, including the response itself as well as information on the question component.
JSON | Description |
| Page name Array of components |
A components object contains the data about a particular field component submitted.
JSON | Description |
Identifier of the component; unique Component type — see the table containing component types below Value — String, Numeric or Boolean value Unique name —The unique name of the component |
String — "example"
Number — 8 (no quotes)
Boolean — true (no quotes)
- Unique name — Unique name of the component at the time feedback is received. This name might change if changed in the survey editor.
The following table lists supported component types.
Type | Value comments | Notes |
textInput | text | |
checkbox | array of texts | array of text for each checked box |
textArea | text | |
emailInput | text | |
urlInput | text | |
radio | text | text of the selected option |
select | text | text of the selected option |
grading | number | rating 1-5 |
grading1to10 | number | rating 1-10 |
grading0-10 | number | rating 0-10 |
nps | number | 0-10 |
date | number | UTC timestamp in milliseconds |
Customer parameter
JSON | Description |
Identifier of the custom parameter, unique Component type — see the table containing component types below Value — String, Numeric or Boolean value Source of the value — var(variable), function, htmlTag Name of the source (like variable name) Unique name: The unique name of the component |
The following table lists supported component types.
Type | Value comments | Notes |
Text | text | |
Boolean | boolean | true/false (no quotes) |
Datetime | number | UTC timestamp in milliseconds |
Number | number |
Mobile Device Data
JSON | Description |
Device OS version App version Medallia mobile SDK version OS type (iOS or Android) App ID Device ID in GUID format — generated by the SDK Device model |