Export Config

You can use MXO 's Export Config capabilities to quickly and easily create a new Space using the configuration of an existing Space in your environment. Simply export the snapshot of your choice from an existing Space into a file, and use that snapshot to create a new Space on the same version of MXO .

The exported file can be imported into either:

  • The same environment
  • A new environment to which you have access
Note: Export and import functionality is available only to users with the Admin role.

The association between a Space and a Business Unit in MXO is a unique, one-to-one, mapping. For this reason, you must ensure you create your Space using the correct template. Once a Space is created for a Business Unit, that Space cannot be deleted.

Which snapshots can I export?

As part of the export process, you select which snapshot to export. You can export any of the following snapshots

  • In the works (the latest work in progress)
  • Launchpad (locked version in final testing before publishing to live)
  • Released (live) version
  • Previous releases (any previously published configuration)

Is all content for a Space included in my exported snapshot?

To ensure there are no unplanned updates to your existing systems, not all content for a Space is included in an export. In particular, if you want to use Data Adapters which connect to other systems, you will need to reconfigure the connection settings for these systems in your new Space. The following are excluded from the export process:

  • Site key
  • Team members and permissions
  • All customer interaction data
  • All data exports
  • Any passwords and security tokens associated with a Data Adapter
  • Space settings (except Control Group percentage)
  • Release history