Configure and Preview your Web Optimizations

Once installed, activating the MXO Extension or MXO Bookmarklet lets you:

  • Configure new optimizations (Edit Mode).
  • Select the areas on a web page where you want to track customer activity, capture customer data, and optimize the customer experience (Selection Mode).
  • Preview your optimizations (Preview Mode).

Usage Notes

  • You must be logged in to MXO to use the MXO Extension or MXO bookmarklet to configure and preview your web optimizations.
  • You must ensure you activate the MXO Extension on each browser tab where you want to create and preview web optimizations.

Edit Mode

In Edit mode, you can make changes to the release that is currently "In the works". This is the release containing all the current changes in your Space.

Edit Control

OE - Edit Control

Enables Edit mode. Click the arrow next to PREVIEW and select Edit.

Edit mode is indicated by a blue coloured border on the page you are viewing

OE - Edit Mode

Edit Toolbar

The EDIT toolbar appears in the bottom left of your screen, displaying the following:

  • The name of the snapshot you are editing (In the works).
  • Control to create an Interaction Point.
  • Control to add new Tracking, Capture, and Optimization Points.
  • Help button.

OE - Edit Mode Toolbar

Space and Snapshot

OE - Edit Mode Snapshot name

The name of the snapshot that you are editing. Note that you can only make changes to the release that is currently "In the works".

Hover over the Space icon to display the name of the Space you are working in.

OE - Edit Mode Space name


OE - Edit Mode Snapshot name

The name of the snapshot that you are editing. Note that you can only make changes to the release that is currently "In the works".

Interaction Point

OE - Interaction

The name and path of the Interaction Point associated with this page. Click to view details for and edit the Interaction Point in MXO .

Add Points

OE - Add Points

Click to add new Capture and Optimization Points to an Interaction Point. When the Add Points control is enabled, a popup menu displays, allowing you to select the type of point you want to create.

OE - Add Points Popup

Configured Points

OE - Configured Points

The number of Capture and Optimization Points configured for an Interaction Point.

Click to display a popup dialog, that provides a list of any points configured for an Interaction Point. From the popup dialog you can:

  • View details for each configured point
  • Edit a point in MXO
  • Show the location of a point on the page

OE - Configured Points Popup

Detail View

For Activity Capture Points, you can view:

  • Name, Proposition and Activity Type.OE - TP Name
  • Activity Capture Point type. Either Page element or Page load.OE - TP Type

For Attribute Capture Points, you can view:

  • Name.OE - CP name
  • Attribute Capture Point type. One of Page element, URL/API parameter or Cookie.OE - CP type

For Optimization Points you can view:

  • Name.OE - OP name
  • Optimization Point type. Either Page element (Online Optimization Points) or Offline action (Offline Optimization Points).OE - OP type

Edit in MXO

Edit the selected point in the main MXO UI. Selecting Edit in MXO opens the main MXO UI in a new tab in your browser.

OE - Edit in ONE

Show Location

Show the location of the selected point on the page.

OE - Show location

Hover over the Show location icon for a configured point, to view the location of that point on the page. MXO highlights the location in green.

OE - Show location detail

In some cases, you may not be able to view the location of a point on the page. For example:

  • Element is not visible on a page. You cannot view the location of elements that are not visible on a page, for example, elements in a drop-down list. When you hover over the Show location icon for these elements, MXO displays a warning message. In these cases, click the Show location icon to open the Selection mode dialog and view the element identifier.OE - Element not visible
  • Location not found. If MXO cannot find the location for the selected point on the page, a warning icon is displayed. This may occur if an element path on your website has, for example, been changed or removed. In these cases, use the main MXO UI to update or amend the details for that point.OE - Location not found

Selection Mode

Once in Edit mode, you can select the elements on the page where you want to:

  • Track customer activity
  • Capture customer data
  • Optimize the customer experience

Selecting an element enables Selection mode. In Selection mode, you define the exact area on screen where you want to insert a new Tracking, Capture, or Optimization Point.

Selected elements are highlighted in orange, letting you see exactly which area of the screen you have chosen.

OE - Selection ModeClick Set Selection to complete the configuration of a new point in the main MXO UI.

Redefine Selection Control

OE - Redefine selection

Amend the area of the screen to which you want to add a Tracking, Capture, or Optimization Point using the Redefine Selection control. For example, if an optimization does not overlay content in the exact area you were expecting.

Click Redefine Selection and select a new area from the list of element identifiers. Hover over an identifier to highlight that area on screen.

OE - Redefine selection list

Selecting a new element identifier closes the list and returns you to the Selected element dialog. The new element you selected is highlighted in orange.

OE - New selection defined

Click Set Selection to save your changes.

Preview Mode

In Preview mode, you have the option to preview different versions of your optimizations, as follows:

  • In the works. Tests all current changes in your Space.
  • Launchpad. A staging area for testing a group of changes before they are pushed live.
  • Latest release. The latest published release.
  • Previous releases. Select from any previous released snapshots.

Preview mode is indicated by a green coloured border on the page you are viewing.

OE - Preview Mode

Preview Toolbar

The PREVIEW toolbar appears in the bottom left of your screen, displaying the following:

  • Name of the snapshot you are previewing
  • Number of points configured for the page
  • Help button

OE - Preview Mode Toolbar

Note: You cannot make changes while in the Preview mode.

Space and Snapshot

The name of the snapshot that you are previewing. Click the current Snapshot name to select a different snapshot to preview from the menu.

OE - Preview Mode Snapshot name

Hover over the Space icon to display the name of the Space you are working in.

OE - Preview Mode Space name


The name of the snapshot that you are previewing. Click the current Snapshot name to select a different snapshot to preview from the menu.

OE - Preview Mode Snapshot name