Use Control Assets with MXO

Control Assets enable a brand to assign a percentage of eligible users to an Action level control group, making it easier to understand the impact of orchestrations. With Control Assets, you can compare the performance of your default content with the performance of the optimized content delivered by MXO , make adjustments to that optimized content (if required), and then retest. Click Through Rate (CTR) of both your default and optimized content are found in both the Assets and Actions Engagement Insights reports.

When used in an Action, a Control Asset does not deliver any content. Instead, Control Assets deliver a configuration that tells MXO which areas of your default content to track as positive, negative, and neutral responses (as applicable).

Configure your Control Asset

  1. In MXO , choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Assets.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter a Name for the Asset you are adding. Using a descriptive name makes it easier for you and your team members to know when to use the Asset.
  5. Enter a brief description for the Asset you are adding and when it should be used.
  6. Select Control from the Type drop-down menu. Assets - Control
  7. Configure the responses you want to track for the asset. Remember that MXO tracks responses to Control assets as Positive, by default.
  • If you have specific areas in your Asset you want to use to track Positive, Negative, and Neutral responses, click Track Customer Response.
  • Enter the HTML tag, id, class, or other DOM identifier for the specific Positive, Negative, and Neutral response areas in your Asset.
  1. If applicable, select the correct Viewpoint for your Asset.
  2. Click Save.

Add your Control Asset to an Action

  1. In MXO , choose Orchestrate.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Open the Action to which you want to add a Control Asset.
  4. Click Add Assets.
  5. Select the Control Asset you want to add to the Action and click Save.
  6. Set the Asset Display Weighting for the Control Asset and any other Asset included as part of the content for the Action. This determines the split for the Audience who may be shown this action.For example, if you have two Assets configured for an Action (one Control to show the default content and one other to show optimized content) and set the display weighting to 50% for each Asset, half of your customers will see the default content and the other half will see the optimized content.MXO decides which content to show to customers, at the Action level, when it returns that Action as part of an Orchestration.
  7. Click OK, I'm Done. Assets - Control add to action