Agile Research 24ARCR2.0 release notes

Release starting 13 May 2024

Release highlights

  • A refreshed UI contains a new welcome email as well as new visually appealing Agile Research emails.

  • The new footer reflects updated Agile Research branding.

  • Updates to API documentation.

  • Updates to Medallia documentation.

Resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue with the Create contact notification, allowing users to save the number of days indicated in the To be invited field in the Contact details section.

  • Fixed an issue with the SMS delivery status to now include "Delivered" or "Not delivered" statuses.

  • Removed the option of allowing users to indicate a negative number when setting up invitations or survey expiration conditions.

  • Fixed an issue related to the bounce rate dashboard and Sender Reputation Score (SRS) calculation.

  • Fixed an issue with the High Bounce Rate notifications, which are now visible in surveys.

  • Fixed an issue with the Third Party Panelist redirect links.

  • Fixed formatting issues in CSV exports.

  • Fixed an issue with import configurations so that error messages will no longer appear when users attempt to reuse import configurations.

  • Fixed an issue so that cooldown rules are applied properly during SMS survey distribution.

  • Added a default survey language to new contacts.

  • Added a default language code to new contacts.

  • Fixed an issue so that applicable surveys appear as expected in the search option on the Permissions page when adding new users.

  • Fixed an issue related to errors appearing when attempting to download a report in Word.

  • Fixed an issue with pagination on the Contact List page.

  • Fixed a deliverability issue so that survey invitations are delivered via email as expected.

  • Fixed an issue with a 500 Internal Server Error appearing when creating quotas.

  • Fixed an issue with purchasing credits on the Adding Credits page.

  • Fixed an issue with randomization for Matrix/grid questions.