Agile Research 24ARCR2.1 release notes

Release starting 28 May 2024

Release highlights

  • A refreshed UI contains updates to the Survey and Account pages, including changes to the options displayed in the side panels and links to the Product Updates and other resources.
  • Changes to the throttling limit calculation allow for a default of 30 per minute.

Resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue so that users can now apply themes to surveys as expected, without intermittent error messages.

  • Fixed an issue with the Partial Completes count displaying as zero on the Analyze Tab.

  • Fixed an issue with Contact Lists to now allow contact admins to access the Only their own contact lists option as well as all contacts from that list.

  • Fixed an issue in the User Settings to allow editing existing users without displaying warnings when no changes are made.

  • Fixed an issue with the Report Exports to now fully display the N/A column for Matrix questions.

  • Fixed an issue on Card Sort questions so that the Info icon appears in alignment.

  • Fixed an issue so that 504 errors do not appear when exporting PDF files on the Survey tab.