(3.6 - 3.10) Installer error messages

If an error occurs when executing the IVG setup wizard, use the following tables to identify where in the setup wizard process the error occurred, the cause of the error, and corresponding action steps.

Server pool definition

Error messageCauseAction
An operating system has not been selected. Please select an operating system to proceed.An operating system has not been selected from the OS dropdown.Select and operating system from the OS dropdown.
An environment has not been selected. Please select an environment to proceed.A telephony environment has not been selected from the Environment dropdown.Select a telephony environment from the Environment dropdown.
Server details have not been added. Please add server details to proceed.The FQDN and IP address of the VM have not been assigned.Enter the FQD and IP address of each VM in the IVG deployment.
FQDN has already been added to the list. Please remove the FQDN OR add a new FQDN to proceed.A duplicate FQDN has been added to the list.

Remove the FQDN from the list:

  1. Click to highlight the FQDN.
  2. Click Remove.
The IP address has already been added to the list. Please remove the IP address OR add a new IP address to proceed.A duplicate IP address has been added to the list.

Remove the IP address from the list:

  1. Click to highlight the IP address.
  2. Click Remove.
IP Address octet value is not within range (0 to 255). Please provide IP address octet value between 0 and 255.The IP address octet value is outside of the accepted 0-255 range.Re-enter an IP address with an octet value between 0 and 255.
FQDN includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the FQDN to proceed.The FQDN includes spaces.Remove the spaces from the FQDN.
A short name has been used instead of the FQDN. Please update the FQDN to proceed.The VM's short name has been used instead of the FQDN.Enter the VM's FQDN.
FQDN begins or ends with a period (.) or hyphen (-). Please remove the period or hyphen to proceed.The FQDN begins or ends with a period (.) or a hyphen (-).Remove the period (.) or hyphen (-) from the beginning or ending of the FQDN.
FQDN labels are separated by more than one period (.). Please remove the additional period between labels to proceed.The FQDN labels are separated by more than one period.Remove the additional period between the labels.
FQDN includes invalid characters; valid characters are alphanumeric, period (.), and hyphen (-). Please update the FQDN to proceedThe FQDN includes invalid characters.

Update the FQDN to include valid characters. Valid characters are:

  • alphanumeric
  • period (.)
  • hyphen (-)
FQDN is more than 255 characters. Please update the FQDN 255 characters or less to proceed.The FQDN is more than 255 characters.Update the FQDN to 255 characters or less.
FQDN's label length is more than 63 characters. Remove the FQDN and provide valid server name to proceedThe FQDN's label length is more than 63 characters.Update the FQDN label to 63 characters or less

Application distribution

Error messageCauseAction
Server information has been modified. Please reconfirm the server and component distribution.Information on the server pool definition screen was modified after the components were distributed to the server.

Distribute the components to the server:

  1. Select a server from the Server dropdown list.
  2. Select the components to install on the server from the Components to install dropdown list.
  3. Click the Add to the list button.
  4. Repeat Steps 1-3 for each server that requires component distribution.
Servers remain with no defined component distribution. Please distribute components to the remaining servers.Servers in the Server dropdown list remain with no distributed components.

PostgreSQL application configuration

Error messageCauseAction
A Linux user has not been assigned. Please provide Linux user to proceed.A Linux user has not been assigned.

Assign the Linux user in the Linux User field.

The Linux user field has the following constraints:

  • cannot begin with a hyphen (-)
  • cannot end with a period (.)
  • dollar sign ($) only at the end
  • cannot be root
  • cannot contain spaces
  • must be less than or equal to 32-characters
The Linux user includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the Linux user to proceed.The Linux user includes spaces in the name.
The Linux user cannot be root for the Postgres database installation. Please assign a non-root Linux user to proceed.The assigned Linux user is root.
The Linux user contains special characters which are either invalid, or in an unsupported position. Please enter a valid name to proceed.The Linux user includes invalid special characters.
The Linux user begins with a hyphen (-). Please remove the hyphen OR place it within the Linux user name to proceed.The Linux user begins with a hyphen.
The dollar ($) symbol is only allowed at the end of the Linux user name. Please remove the dollar symbol OR place it at the end to proceed.The Linux user contains a dollar in a location other than the end.
The length of the Linux user is more than 32 characters. Please assign a Linux user less than or equal to 32 characters to proceed.The length of the Linux user is more than 32-characters.
The Linux group has not been assigned. Please provide the Linux group to proceed.The Linux group has not been assigned.

Assign a Linux group to the Linux Group field.

The Linux group field has the following constraints:

  • cannot begin with a hyphen (-)
  • cannot end with a period (.)
  • dollar sign ($) only at the end
  • cannot be root
  • cannot contain spaces
  • must be less than or equal to 32-characters
The Linux group includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the Linux group to proceed.The Linux group includes spaces.
The Linux group cannot be root for the Postgres DB installation. Please assign a non-root Linux group to proceed.The assigned Linux group is root.
The Linux group contains special characters. Please remove the special characters to proceed.The Linux group includes invalid special characters.
The Linux group begins with a hyphen (-). Please remove the hyphen OR place it within the Linux group name to proceed.The Linux group begins with a hyphen.
The dollar ($) symbol is only allowed at the end of the Linux group. Please remove the dollar symbol OR place it at the end to proceed.The Linux group contains a dollar sign in a location other than the end.
The length of the Linux group is more than 32 characters. Please assign a Linux group less than or equal to 32 characters to proceed.The length of the Linux group is more than 32-characters.
The PostgreSQL installation path includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the voice platform installation path to proceed.The PostgreSQL installation path includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the PostgreSQL installation path.
The PostgreSQL installation path has not been assigned. Please provide PostgreSQL installation path to proceed.A PostgreSQL installation path has not been assigned.Assign a PostgreSQL path to the Install Path field.
The Linux password has not been assigned. Please provide Linux password to proceed.The Linux password has not been assigned.Assign a Linux password in the Linux Password field to be used by the Linux user.
The Linux password includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the Linux password to proceed.The Linux password includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the Linux password.
An invalid PostgreSQL port number has been assigned. Please use a port number between 0 and 65535 to proceedAn invalid PostgreSQL port number has been assigned.Assign a valid PosrgreSQL port number between 0 and 65535.
A PostgreSQL port has not been assigned. Please provide PostgreSQL port to proceed.A PostgreSQL port number has not been assigned.
The PostgreSQL DB super password includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the PostgreSQL DB super password to proceed.The PosgreSQL DB super user password includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the Linux super user password.
A PostgreSQL DB super password has not been assigned. Please provide PostgreSQL DB super password to proceed.The PostgreSQL DB super user password has not been assigned.Assign a PosgreSQL DB user user password in the PostgreSQL Super User Password field.
The voice platform DB user has not been assigned. Please provide the voice platform DB user to proceedThe voice platform DB user has not been assigned.

Assign the voice platform DB user in the DB User field.

The DB user field has the following constraints:

  • valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore (_)
  • cannot begin with a digit
  • cannot contain spaces
  • cannot be root
  • must be 64-characters or less
The voice platform DB user includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the DB user to proceed.The voice platform DB user includes spaces.
The voice platform DB user can only include alphanumeric and the underscore (_) characters. Please enter a new voice platform DB user to proceed. The voice platform DB user contains invalid characters.
The voice platform user cannot begin with a digit. Please enter a name that begins with an alpha or underscore to proceed.The voice platform DB user begins with a digit.
The voice platform DB user cannot be root. Please assign a non-root DB user to proceed.The assigned voice platform DB user is root.
The voice platform DB user exceeds 64-characters. Please assign a value less than or equal to 64-characters to proceed.The length of the voice platform DB user is more than 64-characters.
The voice platform DB name has not been entered. Please provide a voice platform DB name to proceed.A voice platform DB user has not been assigned.

Assign the voice platform DB name in the DB Name field.

The DB name field has the following constraints:

  • valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore (_)
  • cannot begin with a digit
  • cannot contain spaces
  • cannot be root
  • must be 64-characters or less
The voice platform DB name includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the voice platform DB name to proceed.The voice platform DB name includes spaces.
The voice platform DB name includes special characters. Only alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters are accepted.The voice platform DB name contains invalid characters.
The voice platform DB name cannot begin with a digit. Please enter a new voice platform DB name that begins with an alpha or underscore (_) to proceed.The voice platform DB name begins with a digit.
The voice platform DB name cannot be root. Please assign a non-root DB name to proceed.The assigned voice platform DB name is root.
The length of the voice platform DB name is more than 64 characters. Please assign a voice platform DB name less than or equal to 64 characters to proceed.The length of the voice platform DB name is more than 64-characters.
The voice platform database password has not been entered. Please provide a voice platform database password to proceed.A voice platform DB password has not been assigned.Assign a voice platform DB password password in the DB Password field.
The voice platform DB password includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the DB password to proceed.The voice platform DB password includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the voice platform DB password.

Voice platform configuration

Error messageCauseAction
The SMTP user has not been assigned. Please provide the SMTP user to proceed.A SMTP user has not been assigned.Assign an SMTP user in the SMTP User field.
The SMTP user includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the SMTP user to proceed.The SMTP user includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the SMTP user.
The SMTP password has not been assigned. Please provide the SMTP password to proceed.The SMTP password has not been assigned.Assign an SMTP password in the SMTP password field.
The SMTP password includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the SMTP password to proceed.The SMTP password includes spaces.Remove any spaces form the SMTP password.
The SMTP server has not been assigned. Please provide the SMTP server to proceed.The SMTP server has not been assigned.Assign a SMTP server in the SMTP Server field.
The SMTP server includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the SMTP server to proceed.The SMTP server includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the SMTP server.
The Sentinel email address includes spaces. Please remove the spaces form the Sentinel email address to proceed.The Sentinel email address includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the Sentinel email address.
An invalid Sentinel email address has been entered. Please provide a valid Sentinel email address to proceed.An invalid Sentinel email address has been entered.Assign a valid Sentinel email address in the Sentinel Email Address field.

Voice platform parameters

Error messageCauseAction

Avaya, Genesys, Cisco

The server pool has not been entered. Please provide the server pool details to proceed.

The server pool has not been assigned.Assign a server pool in the Server Pool Name field.

Avaya, Genesys, Cisco

The server pool name includes spaces. Please remove the spaces form the server pool name to proceed.

The server pool name includes spaces.Remove any spaces form the server pool name.


The trunk groups have not been entered. Please provide the trunk groups to proceed.

The trunk groups have not been assigned.

Assign the trunk groups in the Trunk Groups field. Use the following format:

TrunkName = PortCount : GatewayName


  • TrunkName - Peripheral number for the Network Trunk Group in Cisco UCCE
  • PortCount - Equal to the maximum number of ports
  • GatewayName - The name of the gateway


The trunk groups include spaces. Please remove the spaces from the trunk groups to proceed.

The trunk groups field includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the trunk groups field.

Voice platform application configuration

Error messageCauseAction
The Inbound Failure Destination setting was left blank. Change the value in the configuration file, or update the value in the voice platform.The Inbound Failure Destination was left blank.
  • Manually add the Inbound Failure Destination to the site.config file before executing the IVG installer.
  • Manually provision the Inbound Failure destination in the voice platform.
The Tenant value has not been provided. A default value VHT is assigned. Click Next to proceed further.The Tenant value has not been provided.
  • Manually add the Tenant to the site.config file before executing the IVG installer.
  • Manually provision the Tenant in the voice platform.
The Inbound DNIS value has not been provided. A default value "inbound" has been assigned. Click Next to proceed further.The Inbound DNIS value has not been provided.
  • Manually add the Inbound DNIS to the site.config file before executing the IVG installer.
  • Manually provision the Inbound DNIS in the voice platform
The Prompt Recorder DNIS value has not been provided. A default value of "prec" has been assigned. Click Next to proceed further.The Prompt Recorder DNIS value has not been provided.
  • Manually add the Prompt Recorder DNIS to the site.config file before executing the IVG installer.
  • Manually provision the Prompt Recorder DNIS in the voice platform
The Second Chance Calback DNIS value has not been provided. A default value "secondchance" has been assigned. Click Next to proceed further.The Second Chance Calback DNIS value has not been provided.
  • Manually add the Second Chance Callback DNIS to the site.config file before executing the IVG installer.
  • Manually provision the Second Chance Callback DNIS in the voice platform
The Inbound DNIS range contains invalid characters. Please enter an alphanumeric DNIS to proceed.The Inbound DNIS range contains invalid characters.Enter an alphanumeric DNIS range.
The Inbound DNIS range contains multiple hyphen (-) symbols. Please use a single hyphen(-) in the Inbound DNIS range.The Inbound DNIS range contains multiple hyphen (-) symbols.Remove the additional hyphen (-) from the Inbound DNIS range.
An Inbound DNIS range has been entered with a missing value. Please provide Inbound DNIS range as two alphanumeric values separated by a hyphen (-)A value is missing from the DNIS range.

Enter the DNIS range as two values separated by a hyphen.

For example:


The Inbound DNIS range of values contains spaces. Please remove spaces from Inbound DNIS range of values. The Inbound DNIS range of values contains spaces.

Remove the spaces, and enter the DNIS range as two values separated by a hypnen.

For example:


The inbound DNIS range has been incorrectly entered. Enter the DNIS range as: min value-max value.

The inbound DNIS range has been incorrectly entered as the max value preceding the min value.

For example:


Enter the DNIS range as min value-max value.

For example:


The inbound DNIS range overlaps with another application's DNIS range. Enter a new inbound DNIS range.The inbound DNIS range overlaps with another application's DNIS range.Enter a new Inbound DNIS range that does not overlap with another application's DNIS range.
The inbound DNIS value is either same as or overlaps with another application's DNIS value. Enter a new inbound DNIS value.The inbound DNIS value is either same as or overlaps with another application's DNIS value.Enter a new inbound DNIS value that does not overlap with another application's DNIS value.
The Prompt Recorder DNIS range contains invalid characters. Please enter an alphanumeric DNIS to proceed.The Prompt Recorder DNIS range contains invalid characters.Enter an alphanumeric DNIS range.
The Prompt Recorder DNIS range contains multiple hyphen (-) symbols. Please use a single hyphen(-) in the Prompt Recorder DNIS range.The Prompt Recorder DNIS range contains multiple hyphen (-) symbolsRemove the additional hyphen (-) from the Prompt Recorder DNIS range.
A Prompt Recorder DNIS range has been entered with a missing value. Please provide a Prompt Recorder DNIS range as two alphanumeric values separated by a hyphen (-)A value is missing from the DNIS range.

Enter the DNIS range as two values separated by a hyphen.

For example:


The Prompt Recorder DNIS range of values contains spaces. Please remove spaces from the Prompt Recorder DNIS range of values. The Prompt Recorder DNIS range of values contains spaces.

Remove the spaces, and enter the DNIS range as two values separated by a hypnen.

For example:


The Second Chance DNIS range contains invalid characters. Please enter an alphanumeric DNIS to proceed.The Second Chance DNIS range contains invalid characters.Enter an alphanumeric DNIS range.
The Second Chance DNIS range contains multiple hyphen (-) symbols. Please use a single hyphen(-) in the Second Chance DNIS range.The Second Chance DNIS range contains multiple hyphen (-) symbolsRemove the additional hyphen (-) from the Second Chance DNIS range.
A Second Chance DNIS range has been entered with a missing value. Please provide the Second Chance DNIS range as two alphanumeric values separated by a hyphen (-).A value is missing from the DNIS range.

Enter the DNIS range as two values separated by a hyphen.

For example:


The Second Chance DNIS range of values contains spaces. Please remove spaces from the Second Chance DNIS range of values. The Second Chance DNIS range of values contains spaces.

Remove the spaces, and enter the DNIS range as two values separated by a hypnen.

For example:


CTI event consumer application configuration

Error messageCauseAction
The primary Core server has not been provided. Enter the primary Core server to proceed.The primary Core server name has not been provided in the Primary Server field.Enter the primary Core server name.
The primary Core server includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the server to proceed.The primary Core server name includes spaces.Remove the spaces from the primary Core server name.
The backup Core server has not been provided. Please enter the backup Coreserver to proceed.The backup Core server name has not been provided in the Backup Server field.Enter the backup Core server name.
The backup Core server includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the server to proceed.The backup Core server name includes spaces.Remove the spaces from the backup Core server name.
The primary and backup Core server details are same. Please provide unique primary and backup server details.The primary and backup Core server details are the same.Enter a unique primary and backup core server names.

Tomcat application configuration

Error messageCauseAction
The Tomcat heap size has not been entered. Please provide the Tomcat heap size to proceed.Tomcat heap size has not been assigned.

Enter the Tomcat heap size.

VHT recommends not decreasing the size from 2048

Name file sharing (NFS) configuration

Error messageCauseAction
A local NFS server has not been selected. Please select a local NFS server from the dropdown list to proceed.The Local NFS server radio button has been selected, but a server was not selected from the dropdown.Select a local NFS server from the dropdown list.
The remote NFS server includes spaces. Please remove the spaces from the NFS remote server to proceed.The remote NFS server includes spaces.Remove any spaces from the local NFS server.
A remote NFS server has not been assigned. Please provide the remote NFS server to proceed.The Remote NFS server radio button has been selected, but a server was not selected from the dropdown.Select a remote NFS server from the dropdown list.
The NFS server has not been designated as local or remote. Please select either local or remote NFS server radio buttons to proceed.The NFS setup checkbox is enabled, but the Local or Remote NFS server radio buttons have not been selected.Select the local OR remote NFS server radio buttons, and select a server from the associated dropdown list.
The NFS directory has not been assigned. Please provide the NFS directory to proceed.The NFS directory has not been assigned.Assign a NFS directory to be shared.

IVG configuration summary

Error messageCauseAction
The selected file location does not exist. Please select a valid file location to export the IVG configuration file.The location selected to export the installation configuration file to does not exist.Select a valid export location for the installation configuration file.
A file location has not been selected. Please select a fie location to export the IVG configuration file in order to proceed. A file location to export the installation configuration file to does not exist.

IVG prerequisite check error messages

Verifying OS

Error MessageCauseAction
Required OS not found.An unsupported version of Red Hat or CentOS is installed.

Install a supported version of Red Hat or CentOS.

Refer to the VHT Callback® Compatibility and Integration Matrix for supported integrations.
System is not 64-bit. A 64-bit architecture is not being used.A 64-bit machine is a prerequisite for installation. Re-run the installer on a 64-bit machine.

Verifying space requirements

Error messageCauseAction
"/" partition has less than 1 GB of free space. Please allocate enough free space and rerun prerequisite check.The / partition has less than 1 GB of free space.Allocate 1 GB of space in the / partition and rerun the prerequisite check.
'hollyinstallpath' partition has X GB, which is less than the recommended 40 GB.The location designated for hollyinstallpath in the install-ivg.cfg file has less than 40 GB of free space.Allocate 40 GB of space in the hollyinstallpath location and rerun the prerequisite check.
Swap space is X MB, which is not equal to the memory size which is Y MB. The swap space memory is not equal to the amount of memory (RAM).Allocate swap space memory equal to the amount of memory and rerun the prerequisite check.

Installing OS dependencies

Error MessageCauseAction
32-bit dependency versions are not supported, please replace with the 64-bit package.Unsupported 32-bit dependencies are detected.Reinstall dependencies with a 64-bit package.
Some of the dependent packages already installed with lower version than required. IVG installer will update those packages.Please verify the file 'dependency-check.log' for the list of installed packages with lower versionThe prerequisite check detected dependencies with lower versions that supported for IVG. The installer updated the dependencies with the supported dependency version.See the dependency-check.log file for the list of dependencies that were updated.
Some of the dependent packages already installed with higher version than required. IVG installer will not update those packages.Please verify the file 'dependency-check.log' for the list of installed packages with higher versionThe prerequisite check detected dependencies with higher versions than supported for IVG. The installer will not update these packages.

See the dependency-check.log file for the list of dependencies with higher versions than supported.


The VHT® lab environment has not validated against these dependency versions.

Prerequisite check results

Error messageCauseAction
IVG prerequisite compatibility checking complete. Note, the IVG server does not meet the 'space requirement' recommendations. Please review the warnings provided. IVG installation may still proceed.The space requirements for IVG installation have not been met.

Review the error messages to identify what space requirements were not met.


VHT best practices recommend meeting space requirements before installing IVG in a production environment.

IVG prerequisite compatibility checking has failed. The IVG server does not meet all of the 'IVG prerequisites'. Please review the errors for details. IVG installation cannot be proceed.The server does not satisfy the prerequisites to install IVG.Review the error messages to identify what prerequisites were not satisfied. After resolving the errors, rerun the prerequisite check.

IVG installer process error messages

After installation, open the installer_mmddyy.txt to check for errors.

If the Linux terminal is configured to the Basic default setting, messages display in the following format:

  • Error messages, which cause the installation process to fail, display in red.
  • Warning messages, which do not cause the installation process to fail, display in orange.
  • Success messages display in green.

If an error occurs, use the following tables to identify where in the installation process the failure occurred, the cause of the failure, and corresponding action steps.


If the IVG installer process fails, execute the IVG Uninstall procedure before re-installing.

Executing the installer

Error MessageCauseAction
Spaces are included in the current working directory name NameOfDirectory. Please rename the directory by removing spaces in its name and retry installation.The install folder name contains spaces.Rename the directory by removing the spaces and retry installation.
Installation config file is not found. Please contact system administrator.The configuration file install_ivg.cfg should be in the same directory as the install script.Copy the install_ivg.cfg file in the same folder as the installer script and run the installer again.

Config key is set as 'avaya', but 'hvp_params_avaya.cfg' file is not found. Please contact system administrator...


'hvp_params_common.cfg' file is not found. Please contact system administrator...

The hvp_params_avaya or hvp_params_common file is not in the same location as the installer.Copy the hvp_params_avaya or hvp_params_common to the same folder as the installer script and run the installer again.
Config file 'install_ivg.cfg' is not configured properly. Please contact system administrator.The syntax of the key=value pairs in the configuration file are incorrect.Correct the configuration file to follow the format key=value and run the installer again.
IVG encrypt binary file 'ivg_encrypt.out' not found. Please contact system administrator.The ivg_encrypt.out file was not copied to the directory.Copy the ivg_encrypt.out file to the directy and retry installation.

Preparing Linux environment

Error MessageCauseAction
Unable to set umask. Please contact system administrator.The umask could not be set to 0022.Manually set the umask to 0022 and run the installer again.
Could not stop IP tables.The IP tables stop command failed.

The installer lacks the permission to stop the IP tables.

Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.

Unable to stop IP tables at boot time.The chkconfg command on IP tables failed.

The installer lacks the permission to stop the IP tables at boot time.

Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.

Could not disable SELinux. Exiting.Disabling SELinux failed.

The installer lacks the permission to stop the IP tables at boot time.

Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.

No Hostname for this machine. Exiting.The hostname of the machine is empty.

Assign a hostname to the machine or VM and run the installer again.


The hostname should not be localhost.

No IP address for this machine. Exiting.The IP address of the machine is empty.Assign an IP address for the machine or VM and run the installer again.

Installing PostgreSQL database

Error MessageCauseAction
Unable to create group PostgreSQLGroupName. Please contact system administrator.The group name creation failed.

Errors that occur when trying to install the PostgreSQL database occur with the installer encounters a permissions-based issue.

Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.

Unable to set password. Please provide password as directed.Unable to set password for PostgreSQL user.
Unable to create OS user PostgreSQLUser. Please contact system administrator.Unable to create PostgreSQL user.
Unable to install PostgreSQL database. Please contact system administrator.The PostgreSQL installation failed.
Unable to config your hosts for connection establishment.Adding trusted hosts failed in PostgreSQL.
Unable to add PostgreSQL service to autostartup scripts. Your hosts for connection establishment.Making PostgreSQL start at boot time failed.
Unable to restart PostgreSQL. Please contact system administration. Exiting.

Restarting PostgreSQL failed after making changes.

For example: adding trusted IP failed.

Unable to execute pg_env.sh environment file.Failed to load PostgreSQL environment.

Installing voice platform

Error MessageCauseAction
Installer file is not found. Please contact system administrator.The HVP installer file is not found in the current location.Verify the HVP install file is present in the same folder as the installer script and run the installer again.
Execution of RUBY script PostDBScript.rb failed. Please contact system administrator.The PosDBScript failed.

The HVP internal script failed while trying to create the required database objects.

Contact VHT with the error message.

Unable to create user for Holly installation. Please provide the password as directed.The creation of the Holly user failed.Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.
Unable to install HVP installer. Exiting.The HVP installer failed.

The HVP installer script failed.

Contact VHT with the error message.

Not able to start HVP. Please contact system administrator.HVP was successfully installed, but is unable to start.
Not able to install configurations. Please contact system administrator.The HVP configuration installation failed (install_cfg.ksh).

The HVP installer configuration script failed.

Contact VHT with the error message.

Not able to restart HVP. Please contact system administrator.Unable to restart HVP services after configuration changes.
Not able to check HVP operating status. Please contact system administratorThe HVP service status failed.
HVPPatchFileName does not exist. Exiting.The HVP patch file does not exist.

Verify the patch file name provided in the config matches the original filename.


Verify the patch file is present in the current directory.

Unable to copy HVPPatchFileName to HVP application OS user HollyUser for patch deployment.Unable to copy HVP patch file to the holly user space for installation. Patch should be installed as a Holly user.Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.
Unable to deploy patch to HVP application.The HVP patch installation failed.

Run the patch manually:

  1. Enter ./PatchFileName in the command prompt.
  2. The message "Patch deployment is completed successfully" displays in the installer_log.txt.

Installing VIS

Error MessageCauseAction
Unable to install Sun JRE.Java installation failed.Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.
Unable to create group tomcat. Please contact system administrator.Unable to create Tomcat group.
Unable to create user tomcat. Please contact system administrator.Unable to create Tomcat user.
Unable to modify user tomcat. Please contact system administrator.Modification of existing Tomcat user failed.
Unable to create tomcat install directory.Creation of Tomcat install directory failed.
Unable to extract tomcat TomcatVersion.Extraction of Tomcat tar.gz file failed.
Unable to remove default juli, hence exiting.Failed to delete default juli.jar file to replace with log4j juli file.
Unable to remove default logging properties file, hence exiting.Removal of logging.properties file failed.
Unable to copy Log4j juli, hence exiting.Copy of Log4j juli failed.
Unable to copy Log4j juli adapters, hence exiting.Copy of Log4j juli adapter jar files failed.
Unable to copy Log4j Jar, hence exiting.Copy of Log4j Jar file failed.
Unable to copy Log4j properties, hence exiting.Copy of Log4j.properties file failed.
Unable to copy Tomcat startup script. Please contact system administrator.Copy of Tomcat startup script failed.
Unable to stop tomcat. Please contact system administrator.Stopping Tomcat failed.

Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.


Verify Tomcat service is running.

Unable to delete Tomcat install directory.Deleting the existing Tomcat install directory failed.Verify installation is being run as a root user and run the installer again.
Unable to copy VIS.war file. Please contact system administrator.Copy of VIS.war file to the Tomcat webapps folder failed.
Unable to copy voices folder. Please contact system administrator.Copy of voices folder to Tomcat webapps failed.
Unable to copy toolkit.properties file. Please contact system administrator.Copy of toolkit.properties file to /etc/VirtualHold failed.
Unable to create cronjob for name file cleanup. Please contact system administrator.Creation of cron job for Tomcat user to clean named .wav files.

Configuring the voice platform

Error MessageCauseAction
HVP config paramas file is not found. Please contact system administrator.The hvp_params.cfg file is not found.Verify the hvp_params.cfg file is present in the same folder as the installer.
Unable to import config file. Please contact system administrator.The HVP cs command import failed.Verify the configuration file contains no spelling errors.
Not able to restart HVP. Please contact system administrator.Unable to restart HVP after configuration parameters were updated.Retry the installation process on a fresh VM.