How to update the Holly Foreman port

Holly Foreman uses port 8400 by default. You can update the port number by assigning a new port number in the IVG Management system, and then updating the port number on the IVG servers.

Updating the port number in IVG Management system

  • Log in to the IVG Management system at http://ServerName:2020.
  • Navigate to Configuration>Holly Configuration and select the Holly Foreman component.
  • Modify superviseport to the desired port.

Updating the port number on the IVG servers

  • On each IVG server, modify the following lines to reference the desired port within $HOLLY/web/hmsrails/app/controllers/foreman_controller.rburl = URI.parse("http://#{ahost}:8400")Rails.logger.debug "graph_data failed: #{e} #{ahost}:8400/fm/w.json"

  • On each IVG server, modify both instances of the following line within $HOLLY/web/hmsrails/lib/foreman/call.rb from...:port => `cs -k superviseport.foreman`.split(" ").last,to:port => `cs -k superviseport.$POOL.foreman`.empty? ? `cs -k superviseport.foreman`.split(" ").last : `cs -k superviseport.$POOL.foreman`.split(" ").last,

  • Perform an hvpctl restart

Confirming the updated port number

To confirm the above successfully updated the foreman port, the following command should reflect the new port:netstat -tulpn | grep foreman

Also, browse the HMS>Dashboard>Resource Monitor and the HMS>Configuration>Workers pages to ensure they are still functioning appropriately.