How to check your IVG version

Display the version of Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) and the installed software components with the version parameter of the ./ivginstaller file.

The version parameter displays a VMs installed versions of:

  • IVG
  • PostgreSQL
  • Holly
  • Apache HTTP Server
  • Java
  • Tomcat
  • VXML Interaction Server (VIS)
  • Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS)
  • CTI Event Consumer

Running the IVG version check

To run the IVG version check:

  • Copy the ./ivginstaller file to the first VM.
  • Open a Linux shell script and run the following command to change the permissions:

chmod a+x ivginstaller- xxxx

  • Enter the following command to execute the version check:

./ ivginstaller- xxxx version | tee install mmddyy .txt

Where mmddyy is the date the version check was executed. This saves a dated installation log of the version check.

  • Repeat steps 1-3 on each IVG server in the deployment to verify versions of IVG and the installed software.

The /etc/VirtualHold/version.txt file also contains the IVG and installed software versions.