Upgrading to IVG 5.0+ (general)


There may be specific instructions for upgrading or patching to a specific version of IVG available in the Help Center, in the Upgrading section.

To upgrade from IVG version 4.1.1 or earlier to 5.0+, you can either install IVG 5.0+ on a new VM or uninstall your current version and install IVG 5.0+ on the existing VM. To complete the upgrade, you will need to:

  • Capture the current IVG provisioning details
  • Back up the toolkit.properties file
  • Run the IVG Setup Wizard
  • Uninstall the current version of IVG
  • Install IVG 4.1

Step 1: Capture the current IVG provisioning details

Step 2: Back up the toolkit.properties file

Back up the toolkit.properties file prior to uninstalling IVG. The file should is located at /etc/VirtualHold by default.

After uninstalling IVG, place the toolkit.properties file in the /etc/VirtualHold directory on the new VM.

Step 3: Run the IVG Setup Wizard

You will need to create a new install_ivg.cfg file for your IVG deployment to install the new version. If you have the existing configuration file available, you can use it as a guide when entering information in the Setup Wizard.

  • Select Create new configuration file for IVG installation.
  • Click Next to run the IVG Setup Wizard.
  • When finished, store the install_ivg.cfg file in an easily accessible place as it will be used in Step 5.

For complete instructions on running the IVG Setup Wizard, see the IVG 5.0 Installation Guide.

Step 4: Uninstall IVG


This step is only needed if you are using the same VM to install the new version. If you are using a new VM, you can proceed to Step 5.

The IVG_xxxx.zip file that is used to install the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) also contains the ivguninstaller-xxxx file, which is used to uninstall IVG. The ivguninstaller-xxxx file uninstalls all IVG components and dependencies when executed.

Sep 5: Install the new version

Install Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) using the configuration file created by the IVG Setup Wizard. Use the single IVG configuration file to install IVG on each VM in the solution.

  • Copy the ivginstaller file for the new version of IVG to the VM where the first instance of IVG will be installed.
  • Copy the install_ivg.cfg file created by the IVG setup wizard in Step 3 to the VM where the first instance of IVG will be installed.

Do not copy the installer and configuration file to a directory name containing spaces.

  • Navigate to the directory containing the ivginstaller file.
  • Enter the following command to change file permissions:
    chmod a+x ivginstaller-xxxx
  • Enter the following command to execute the installer:
    ./ivginstaller-xxxxinstall | tee install:mmddyy.txt
    Where mmddyy is the date of the installation. The tee command saves a dated log of the IVG installation process.
  • Repeat Steps 1-5 on each VM in the solution.

The installer may take 10-15 minutes to complete.