(9.5.3+) Updating to an encrypted database password

After executing the On-Premise Callback 9.5.3 patch, additional configuration is required to encrypt your existing plain-text database password throughout the Virtual Hold Technology installation directory. This article will show you how to use the Portable Password Encryptor utility to encrypt your DB password and propagate it throughout various configuration files.

Important: Do not use the same encrypted password on multiple servers. Follow the steps below on each server in your On-Premise Callback solution separately.
image of the password encryptor
  1. Launch the PasswordEncryptor application (located in the root Virtual Hold Technology installation directory).
  2. Enter your plain-text DB password in the Password field.
  3. Copy only the encrypted password from the top-most field under Encrypted Results.
  4. Use Notepad++ (installed by default) or your chosen text editor to find and replace all instances of your plain-text password throughout the entire Virtual Hold Technology directory.