Building multi-tiered reports

Medallia Agile Research upports multi-tiered reporting with benchmarking capabilities built it. In other words, you can configure reports so that Agile Research visitors (those who do not work with Agile Research but who view reports) are shown only the data that they are allowed to see.

To do this, you can create a report per tier. Let's look at an example using the following tiers: global report, department, and team member. At each level, you can create "shares" for each member of that tier so that you only have to build and maintain three reports. Note: While this example uses three reports, more levels are supported if needed.

The top-level global report would show the data across all departments with a breakdown that shows how each department is performing in order from best to worst. For the department-level report, a separate URL would be created for each department. For the team member report, each person would get their own URL to view their own data.

These reports can contain a benchmark so that, for example, the support department can see how their score compares to the global score across all departments.

These "shares" can be created automatically in bulk. Make sure that any hidden dropdown questions for both department and team members are pre-filled.

To create multi-tiered reports, see the following articles: