Showing open answers in the respondents overview
In the respondents overview, you can see detailed information on your respondents, such as completion level, date and time answered, and contact data (if they're linked to a contact). But you can also show open answers in the respondents overview itself without having to open the individual's respondent report.
You can, for example, show a respondent's contact details when you've asked for this information in the survey so you can contact them much more quickly. Or you can show the comments to the NPS follow-up question in order to get a sense of the general sentiment towards your company
To show open answers in the respondents overview, complete the following steps:
Go to the survey.
Select Analyze > Respondents.
Click the columns list icon in the respondents overview.
Scroll down until you get to the Questions header. From here, all open survey questions will be listed
Select the questions to which you want to see the answers in the respondents overview. The information is visible immediately.