Platform Toolkit Status Codes

The following table lists the Platform Toolkit (PTK) messages (status codes).

Number Name Description
106000 PlatformAvailable The platform for the tenant can process requests now.
107000 RequestCompleted The platform completed the request.
107001 RequestPartiallyCompleted The platform can only complete part of the request because it cannot access all of the information that you requested. Change your parameters and resubmit the request.
107002 InteractionNotFound The platform cannot find the interaction. The system is no longer tracking interactions for this ID.
107003 SegmentsNotFound The platform cannot find any segments. Set up segments for the tenant or tenants and retry the request.
107004 InvalidOperationModeReturned The Operation Mode that this request returned is either missing or not valid.
107005 RequestRefusedDueToOperationMode The current Operation Mode cannot accept this interaction. Change the Operation Mode and retry the request.
107007 AppointmentsDisabled Appointment interactions are disabled in the platform. Enable appointment interactions and retry the request.
107009 DuplicateContactInQueue The platform could not complete the request because Callback Double Check detected another interaction with this contact in this queue. Change the contact and retry the request.
107010 AppointmentTimeAfterHours The appointment time that you submitted is outside of the business hours.
107011 AppointmentTimeBeforeEWT The appointment time that you submitted is before the estimated wait time for this queue.
107012 AppointmentSlotsNotFound No appointments are available for the specified times.
107014 AppointmentTimeFull No appointments are available for the specified times.
107015 InteractionStatePreventsModifingAppointmentTime You cannot change the appointment time because the interaction is already active.
107017 InvalidContactURIFormat The Contact URI you submitted is not valid. Either the phone number is not valid or the date is not in the correct format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
107018 InteractionStatePreventsRequestedAction The Interaction is currently in a state the prevents the requested action from being performed. The action is not appropriate at this time.
107019 InvalidSourceApplicationFormat The Source Application specified is in an invalid format and cannot be processed. Check the data value and resubmit the request. This return is only applicable for the Add Interaction and Create Interaction methods.
107020 SegmentNotSet
107100 RequestCompletedWithInteractionId The platform completed the request and returned an interaction id.
108000 InvalidTenant The tenant name that you submitted is not valid. Try another tenant name and resubmit your request.
108001 InvalidSegment The segment is not valid for the specified tenant.
108004 InvalidDateTime The date or time that you submitted is not valid. Verify that the date or time is in the following format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ssZ. The hours must be in 24-hour format.
108005 InvalidContact The contact that you provided is not valid. Verify that the contact meets the phone number validation requirements in Callback and then resubmit the request.
108007 InvalidInteractionId The interaction ID that you submitted is not valid. Revise the interaction ID and resubmit the request.
108009 ContactRequired You must submit a contact for this request.
108010 AppointmentTimeRequired You must submit an appointment time for this request.
108011 UserDataRequired You must submit user data for this request.
108012 ReferToHeaderRequired You must submit a value for the Refer to Header user data.
108014 InteractionIdRequired You must submit an interaction ID for this request.
108015 InvalidNumberOfTimeSlotsRequested The number of appointment times that you requested is not valid. The number of appointment times must be greater than zero.
108016 QueueIdRequired You must submit a QueueID for this request.
108019 AppointmentTimeInThePast The time that you submitted for the appointment is before the current time. Submit a valid time and retry the request.
108022 SegmentRequired You must submit a segment for this request.
108026 InvalidSearchParameters One or more of the search parameters is not valid.
108027 ReasonRequired You must submit a reason code for this request.
108028 InvalidInteractionReason You must submit a valid reason for the interaction that you want to remove. Valid reasons are Web Canceled and Admin Canceled.
108029 InteractionCannotBeCancelled An interaction can only be cancelled if it is a callback and if that callback has not been accepted by the caller. The interaction was not cancelled.
108030 InvalidAction The action that you selected to modify the interaction is invalid.
108031 CancelledByRequired The cancelling party must be included in the CancelledBy field.
108032 ResultRequired You must submit a result for this request.
108033 InvalidResult The result code for the attempt to modify the interaction is not valid.
108034 QueueVariableValueRequired You must submit a value for the queue variable value for this request.
108037 AppointmentTimeAfterAppointmentTimesRange The appointment time that you provided is after the valid appointment time range.
108038 InvalidDataName You must submit a valid data name for this request.
108039 DataValueRequired You must submit a data value for this request.
108040 UserDataFailedValidation The user data entered is not in the correct format.
108041 ExternalTrackingIdMissing The external tracking id is missing or invalid.
108042 DuplicateExternalTrackingIdFound The external tracking id passed in already exists in our system.
108043 KeyNotSupportedUpdatingData The key used to update the interaction is not supported or invalid.
108044 SkillIdRequired You must submit a skill Id for this request.
108045 SkillIdNotFound The skill id submitted was not found.
108046 InteractionIDOrExternalTrackingID Required
108047 DequeuedReasonMissing Reason for dequeue is blank
108048 DequeuedReasonInvalid When reason provided is something other than AgentAnswered or Abandoned
108054 InvalidCallType The call type must be valid (ASAP or Callback)
108055 InteractionCannotBeDisconnected The interaction must be receiving inbound treatment or be in a queue for an agent in order to be disconnected. Interaction was not disconnected.
109000 UnexpectedError The request could not be completed because the server encountered an unexpected condition. Try the request again. If this error continues, contact your support representative.
109001 MethodNotImplemented The request could not be completed because the server does not support the functionality required to do so.
109002 CommunicationTimeout The server did not receive a response from the Callback resource in time.
109003 ResourcesUnavailable

The request could not be completed. A Callback resource might be down or unavailable. Submit your request again.

In PTK versions 1 through 4, if this code is returned because a license was not available for the request, the description "A license for this request is not available" will be used instead.

109004 PlatformUnavailable The request could not be completed. The platform is not available and cannot process requests. Submit your request again.
109005 LicenseUnavailable A license for this request is not available.
109006 TenantsNotFound No tenants were found.
109008 InvalidInteractionIdReturned Callback did not return the interaction ID.
109009 AppointmentError An error occurred when making the interaction appointment. Verify that you have scheduling enabled and then try your request again.
109010 UnableToCreateInteraction Callback was unable to create the interaction because an error occurred in a Callback component.
109011 InternalCommunicationError Callback experienced an internal communication error.
109012 InvalidEWTReturned A request to retrieve the estimated wait time returned a value that is not valid.
109015 InvalidOfferTreatment The offer treatment is not valid.
109016 QueueIdNotFound The Queue ID could not be found.
109017 InvalidAppointmentTimeListReturned A request for available appointment time slots returned an appointment time list that was not valid.
109019 InvalidQueueCountReturned A request for the current number of queues returned a value that is not valid.
109020 InvalidResultConfiguration The configuration for interaction results is incorrect. Revise your configuration file and retry your request.
109021 ContactNotFound The contact that you submitted does not exist in Callback.
109022 GlobalIdMismatch The global ID (universal ID) that Callback returned to the Platform Toolkit does not exist in the Platform Toolkit.
109024 InvalidModeStatusReturned A request for treatment data returned a mode status that is not valid.
109025 InvalidRecommendedDestinationReturned A request for treatment data returned a recommended destination that is not valid.
109026 InvalidInteractionDataReturned The data for the interaction was not returned.
109027 InvalidSegmentTreatmentType The treatment type of the segment is not valid for this request.
109028 DataNameUnavailable When requesting a private data name
109029 DataRequired All data is missing when sending request
109030 InvalidModeStatusForInteraction The request to add an interaction failed because the mode status was not valid.
109031 UpdateInteractionDataFailed Two or More Data Values failed to update.
109032 InvalidLicenseResult The license availability request returned an invalid result.
109033 FeatureUnavailable The feature for this request is not available for Site or Queue.
109034 NoValidLicenseFile The license file is missing, invalid, or expired.
109035 BandwidthExceeded Total number of requests from the previous time period (specified in license file, default = 15 minutes) is greater than the allowed bandwidth for this group.