Platform Toolkit terminology

The Platform Toolkit uses some terms and concepts that might be unfamiliar to Callback software clients. The main concepts are described here.


An interaction is an event in a Callback queue that will take place at either the first available time, or for a specific time in the future. The most common interaction is a callback.

The Platform Toolkit allows you to add interactions to the Callback system through an external application instead of through the Callback IVR.


  • Segments are labels for the different types of interactions handled in each of your Callback queues.
  • Segments in the Platform Toolkit mirror the segments in the telephony system.
  • In the Callback platform, segments are often called Incoming Extensions.
  • Platform Toolkit segments have a treatment type of 20.

Within a Support queue, there can be many segments for different types of support offered.

For example: bank might have a queue for Support, and segments in that queue for groups.

Home Loans
Business Loans

To see a list of the segments that you use in Callback:

Navigate to Configuration > Segments and look for the Queues and Segments dropdowns in the middle of the modal.


A tenant identifies a single installation of Callback.

In the Callback Platform, tenants are called Site Names and are set during Callback installation.

There can be one Callback installation for each site or for each call center.

Navigate to Launchpad > User dropdown > Site. View all available sites in the dropdown in the popup modal.

User Data

User Data is data associated with an interaction, typically screen pop data. When you use the Platform Toolkit, you can use this element to attach user data to an interaction.

Your environment must have an underlying structure that supports user data if you want to use this element. Infrastructures that support user data typically include a CTI, such as Genesys, or Cisco ICM.