Customer History Data Adapter

The Customer History Data Adapter provides a list of all events (both activities undertaken and actions viewed and responded to) for an individual customer, based on a customer key.

MXO returns information relating to the previous 13 months, up to a maximum of 250 unfiltered (un-aggregated) events.

An organization can use this data to present call center agents with a list of activities the customer has undertaken and actions the customer has viewed and responded to, providing those agents with a better context for their own conversation with that customer.


A customer is coming to the end of their current mortgage deal and has been researching the latest deals their bank has to offer online. The customer phones the bank at a later date to discuss their current account. After dealing with the customer’s question about their current account, the agent asks if the customer would like to discuss the latest mortgage deals available to existing customers.

Data Attributes

The Customer History Data Adapter contains the following attributes:

Action nameName of the action triggered by the customer.Symbolic
Action resultResult of the triggered Action; one of view, positive click, negative click or neutral click.Symbolic
Activity TypeName of the activity performed by the customer.Symbolic
Completion ActivityIndicates whether or not the event is classified as a Completion Activity.Boolean
Event countTotal number of events before aggregation.Numeric
Interaction nameName of the Interaction Point on which the event occurred.Symbolic
Lifecycle stageName of the lifecycle stage with which the activity performed by the customer is associated.Symbolic
Proposition codeCode for the Proposition.Symbolic
Proposition nameName of the Proposition.Symbolic
Recognition StatusThe customer's recognition statusSymbolic
Session IdDeprecated. ID of the session during which the event occurred.Symbolic
TimestampDate and time at which the event occurred.Date-Time
Touchpoint nameName of the Touchpoint on which the event occurred.Symbolic
View or clickType of event; either view or click.Symbolic

To create a Customer History Data Adapter

  1. In MXO, choose Collect.

  2. Select External Data, click Create.

  3. Choose Customer History as the type of Data Adapter you want to add.

  4. Enter a name for the Data Adapter you are adding. Using a descriptive name makes it easier for you and your team members to know when to use the Data Adapter.

  5. Enter a brief description of the Data Adapter you are adding and when it should be used.

  6. Enter the configuration details that define the adapter's behavior.

    Action FilterAllows you to choose which data to display in the list of events. You can display: - All Actions for a customer - Only those Actions shown to a customer - Only those Actions to which a customer has responded - Only Activities for a customer
    Number of EventsThe maximum number of events for the Data Adapter to return, starting with the most recent.
    AggregateAllows you to view customer history as an aggregated list of events. Groups identical customer interactions, within a single 30 minute timeframe, together. Customer interactions are classed as identical if all the properties for two events are the same apart from the timestamp.
  7. Click Test Configuration. This tests and verifies that the new configuration details are valid.

  8. Click Apply.

  9. Click Save.