Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Extension Data Adapter

The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Extension Data Adapter enables you to retrieve data from brand-defined data extensions for use in MXO eligibility, prioritization, and data structures.

To create a Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Extension Data Adapter

  1. In MXO, choose Collect.

  2. Select External Data, click Create.

  3. Choose Salesforce (Marketing Cloud) Data Extension as the type of Data Adapter you want to add.

  4. Enter a name for the Data Adapter you are adding. Using a descriptive name makes it easier for you and your team members to know when to use the Data Adapter.

  5. Enter a brief description of the Data Adapter you are adding and when it should be used.

  6. Enter the configuration details that define the adapter's behavior:

    Select the attribute to use as a keySelect the captured data attribute you want to use as the key for looking up data in Salesforce. Captured data attributes are stored in the Customer Metadata Data Adapter.
    Test keyThe existing customer key to use when testing and validating the Data Adapter configuration.
    TenantThe tenant subdomain, defined within the installed package, used for API access.
    Account IDThe optional Account identifier of the target business unit. Used to access data directly associated with a specific business unit.
    Client IDThe OAuth2 client ID, associated with the installed package, used for API access.
    Client SecretThe OAuth2 client secret, associated with the installed package, used for API access.
    Extension IDThe data extension’s external key.
    As ListSpecify whether or not the returned data is expected to be in list format. One of: - Not set. Acts as if false is selected. - true. Data is returned as a list. - false. Data is returned as a single record.
    Date FormatThe format of any date/time attribute in your data extension. This value is used to convert any date/time attribute to a format recognized by MXO.
    TimezoneThe time zone of any date/time attribute in your data extension. This value is used to convert any date/time attribute to a proper UTC value.
    Filter AttributeThe attribute in the data extension representing the customer key.
    StructureThe custom properties from the data extension schema to include in the response. For more details about defining the structure, see {{< link title="Defining Dynamic Data Attributes" src="" >}}.
  7. Click Test configuration. This tests and verifies that the new configuration details are valid.

  8. Click Apply.

  9. Click Save.

Defining Dynamic Data attributes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud enables you to define the data schema that best represents your brands customer data. You can then make that schema available to MXO.

The Structure configuration setting in the data adapter is designed to provide MXO with information about the schema and its attributes. You define the schema using simple YAML syntax.

Example Data Schema

name: one-customer
displayName: MXO Customer
description: the attributes to retrieve from the data extension
  - name: TID    
    displayName: TID    
    description: the Medallia tracking identifier    
    type: SYMBOLIC  
  - name: control    
    displayName: Control Member    
    description: the control group indicator    
    defaultValue: false    
    type: BOOLEAN  
  - name: createdON    
    displayName: Created On    
    description: the date/time the record was generated    
    type: DATETIME

To define your structure

Start with the heading, as shown in the example above, that defines the profile attribute structure.

name: one-customer
displayName: MXO Customer
description: the attributes to retrieve from the data extension

The properties setting is the collection (array) of properties you want to include in the profile attributes made available to MXO.

For each property, add an indented (2 spaces) list starting with a dash ( - ).

  - name: TID    
    displayName: TID    
    description: the Medallia tracking identifier    
    type: SYMBOLIC  

Provide the following settings for each property:

nameName of the schema attribute as defined in the customer schema. This value is case sensitive.
displayNameHuman-readable name of the schema attribute.
descriptionDetailed description of the attribute.
defaultValueOptional. The value to return if data for the current customer does not contain a value.
typeThe datatype of the attribute in MXO. One of: - SYMBOLIC (used to represent all string values) - NUMBER - BOOLEAN - DATETIME