Custom Dictionary
Role required: Customer Admin. See Video user roles.
The Video custom dictionary gives you greater control over the video and audio transcript outputs in your Video channels. The custom dictionary offers two kinds of transcript modifications:
Find and replace — Input words to find in transcripts, such as common misspellings, and the replacement word (called Replacement Text) you want to appear in the transcript instead. You can set up a single word to find and replace or create a bulk list of several words that, if any are identified, are replaced with a single Replacement Text word.
Censor list — Activate to mask, or censor, pre-identified profane words and phrases. By default, identified profanities are replaced with **** in the transcript.Note: Censor list processing only modifies the transcript output of video and audio files. It does not modify the media file's audio content.
A custom dictionary can only be set at the customer level. Once set, this analyzes all video and audio transcripts in every channel in the customer group. It applies to human transcriptions and Speech-to-text transcripts. It does not apply to Text Alignment or Subtitle uploads.
It is only available on English transcripts and English translations.
A custom dictionary does not support html tags (For example <>).
Creating a custom dictionary
To create a custom dictionary for a customer, and thus for all channels:
Start from any Video channel. Click
and select
Channel Management.
On the Channel Management screen, scroll or search for a channel in the customer group.
In the Customer column, click
to the left of the customer group name to open the Edit Customer modal window.
Click the Custom Dictionary tab.
Create the custom dictionary using any of these options:
Add new custom word — Create a single word instance of Find and Replace.
Click Add new custom word.
In the Text to replace field, input a word to identify in transcripts.
In the Replace with field, input the replacement word to appear in transcripts instead of the identified word.
Click Add.
Bulk add — Identify several words, such as multiple common misspellings, to identify in transcripts as well as a single replacement word to appear in transcripts instead of the identified words.
Click Bulk add.
In the Bulk add custom words' Text to replace field, input each word to identify. Separate words with a pipe (|). Do not input a space between the words and the pipes. After you input the last word to identify, type a comma and input the replacement word.
For example: Medalia|Meddalia|Medahlia,MedalliaNote: Bulk add does not support special characters.-
Click Add.
Import Censor List — Activate the censor list to mask any of the 127 pre-identified profane words if they appear in transcripts.
Click Import Censor List.
By default, Replace All is toggled to active (purple) and censor list words in transcripts are replaced with ****. If needed, edit the Replace with field to adjust how censored words appear in transcripts.
Click Import.Note: After you import the censor list, all pre-identified profane words appear in the Custom Dictionary tab's Text to replace column.
Editing a custom dictionary
Edit the custom dictionary to add words, edit bulk replacements, or delete words in any custom dictionary entry.
The Edit Customer’s Customer Dictionary tab lists the following:
Text to Replace — The word or words to identify in video and audio transcripts.
Replacement Text — The replacement word or symbol that appears in transcripts instead of the identified word(s).Note: There can only be one Replacement Text word (the word that replaces found words in the transcript) per customer.
Username — The user email of Customer Admin that created the custom dictionary entry.
Last Updated — The date the custom dictionary entry was last updated.
To edit a custom dictionary entry:
Start from any Video channel. Click
and select
Channel Management.
On the Channel Management screen, scroll or search for a channel in the customer group.
In the Customer column, click
to the left of the customer group name to open the Edit Customer modal window.
Click the Custom Dictionary tab.
To edit any custom dictionary entry:
In the Text to Replace field, add or delete words as needed.
Click Update.