Deleting responses from surveys

You can delete responses from a survey at any time. For example, when you notice that a certain respondent didn't answer consequently or filled out the survey too quickly, you can remove these responses so they don't influence the rest of your results.

Important: Once deleted, these responses cannot be restored.
Use the the respondent overview to remove answers from both contacts and non-contacts.
  1. Open your survey.
  2. Select Analyze > Respondents.

To delete one single respondent, select Delete from the Actions dropdown for that respondent.

Delete single response.

To delete multiple respondents at once, select the checkboxes next to the respondents you want to delete and click Delete at the top of the list.

Delete multiple responses.

When you delete answers from a contact this way, the contact will received the status Dropped. No new invitations will be sent. If you want that contact to receive new invitations, reset the contact.

Tip: To make sure you're selecting the correct respondent, you can change the visible columns by clicking the list icon in the top right corner of the respondent overview and selecting different columns. That way, you can

show contact data

in the respondent overview, or show answers to open questions.