Listening Event Aggregate Data Adapter
Access aggregated activity data for decisioning and orchestration with the Listening Event Aggregate Data Adapter. It focuses on customer interaction data and excludes orchestration or action-related data aggregation.
Customize the data adapter for specific use cases by creating multiple tailored to each aggregation requirement.
To track customer engagement with 'Campaign A' for 'Washing Machines', set the Listening Event Aggregate Data Adapter to collect 'Campaign ID' and 'Proposition' over the campaign duration.
For insights on average product value, configure the adapter to aggregate 'Product Value' by 'Activity Type'. To focus on specific products, include the relevant 'Propositions' or 'Proposition Categories'.
MXO will start aggregating unique combinations of rows for users to check counts against. For example, if you pick Activity Type and an Activity Attribute, you can then ask "how many times has Attribute value X been captured when the Activity Type is Y?" If you have an Activity Attribute as a sum group, you can also ask what the count, total, and average is of that sum group attribute is. In this way, you are able to view a historic summary of what's been going on for a given customer.
Create a Data Adapter
In MXO, navigate to Collect.
Go to External Data and select Create.
Select 'Listening Event Aggregate' as the adapter type.
Name the adapter descriptively for ease of identification.
Provide a concise description and intended use of the adapter.
Initiate setup with 'Let’s get started'.
- Enter relevant Configuration Details to set up the adapter’s functionality.
Field Description Group 1, 2, 3 Select up to three attributes for aggregation, such as Customer and Activity Attributes, or dimensions like Activity, Proposition, and Channel. At least one attribute or dimension must be defined as Group 1.
Sum Group Select numeric Customer and Activity Attributes if needed. Days The time frame for including data in the aggregations generated by the adapter.
For instance, for a typical 7-10 day campaign, set to ‘10’ to exclude data older than 10 days.
Use 'Test Configuration' to validate the settings.
Apply the configuration upon successful testing.
Save the new adapter configuration.
The Listening Event Aggregate Data Adapter can process up to 100 rows or 180 days of data. If the 'Days' parameter is set to '10' and the adapter accumulates 100 rows by Day 3, it will discard the oldest data for new entries. Despite a UI issue allowing 'Days' to be set beyond 180, MXO will not aggregate data older than 180 days.
The aggregate adapter will not aggregate unless all values are present on a given interaction request.
For example, if the aggregate adapter is looking for Proposition and three activity attributes but the Interaction event has only two of the three activity attributes or three attributes but they aren't the same that were selected in the adapter, aggregation will not occur. The interaction request will still be processed by MXO as normal, but the aggregations will not increase in number.