Sending email invitations with your own platform

When using email as a distribution option for your survey, you can let Agile Research send out the email invitations or you can send the invitations with your own email platform, such as Outlook, Google Mail, and MailChimp.

To send invitations with your own email platform, complete the following steps:
  1. Open your survey.
  2. Select Distribute > Add / Remove channels.
  3. Select Email > Send with your own email system. Email option is checked. Suboption Send with your own email system is also checked.
  4. Click Save.

  5. Select Survey URL – email. Survey URL - email option.

  6. Copy the survey URL.
    Note: If you have your own domain or subdomain set up, this survey URL will automatically contain that domain, and not the one.
  7. Paste this URL in the message in your own email system.