Save and Draft state
Save often when editing showreels. Save and Discard appear in the lower right of the showreel editor any time a new edit is made. All edits are logged since the last save until you save or discard them.
If you attempt to navigate elsewhere within the Video platform and you have unsaved changes, you are prompted to Save Changes or Discard Changes. This saves or discards all edits made since the last save.
Draft state
A showreel enters Draft state when the showreel owner exits the web browser with unsaved showreel edits. The showreel stays in Draft state until the showreel owner saves or discards the unsaved changes.
Showreels in Draft state have a Draft label on the Showreels screen, as shown in this image.
You cannot transfer ownership of a showreel in Draft state. Save or discard the unsaved changes before transferring showreel ownership.